The Situation in Dalaran

The night elves learned that the Divine Bell was stolen. This much we anticipated.

However, they’ve also found out that the “neutral” Sunreavers of Dalaran were complicit. Now, we’ve got a situation.

I need you to go to Dalaran. Speak with Kromthar for a ride. You are to rendezvous with Grand Magister Rommath once you arrive.



Speak with Kromthar to obtain a ride to Dalaran.


You: I need to get to Dalaran.


(Obtain ride to Dalaran: 1/1)

(Discovered: Sewer Exit Pipe)


(Discovered: The Underbelly)


Grand Magister Rommath: Good … you’ve arrived. It’s not a good day to be Horde in Dalaran.

Jaina’s called for the exile of all the Sunreavers. You and I are going to save as many as we can – including Archmage Aethas Sunreaver himself – and then get out of here as fast as possible.


It Starts in the Sewers

Grand Magister Rommath: Compared to the rest of the city, this part of the sewers is relatively calm. This is good – we can extract more Sunreavers in peace than we can in war.

Find as many citizens as you can. Tell them that it is not safe here, that they must leave the city at once.

Find as many citizens as you can. Tell them, that it is not safe here, that they must leave the city at once.

And try to stay clear of the Silver Covenant. We don’t want to cause a scene if we can avoid it. Not yet, anyhow.



Evacuate 9 Sunreaver Citizens.


Grand Magister Rommath: Jaina’s gone over the edge. She’s imprisoning the Sunreavers and attacking those who resist. What’s worse, the Silver Covenant has seized the opportunity to join the bloodshed.

Sunreaver Citizen: Have the Silver Covenant lost their mind? Surely the Kirin Tor won’t stand for this!

You: It’s not safe here anymore. You need to evacuate Dalaran.

Sunreaver Citizen: Can the Kirin Tor really kick us out like this?

Sunreaver Citizen: They’ll pay for this.


Silver Covenant Agent: You don’t belong here!

Silver Covenant Agent: Just who do you think YOU are?

Sunreaver Citizen: Leave Dalaran? Where will I even go …

Sunreaver Citizen: They said Lady Proudmoore wanted us out. I … I don’t understand.

You: It’s not safe here anymore. You need to evacuate Dalaran.

Sunreaver Citizen: How could this happen?

Sunreaver Citizen: What is all this nonsense about a “purge”?

You: It’s not safe here anymore. You need to evacuate Dalaran.

Silver Covenant Agent: The Sunreavers are scum!

Sunreaver Citizen: I think it may be time to bring my swords out of retirement …

Sunreaver Citizen: They’ll pay for this.

Lady Jaina Proudmoore: Be silenced, Sunreaver!

Silver Covenant Agent: You want some, too? Very well!

Sunreaver Citizen: I guess I can head back to Silvermoon …

Sunreaver Citizen: Don’t have to tell me twice – I’ve got debts in this city I’d like to leave behind.


Grand Master Rommath: Let’s press on.


Violence in the Arena

Grand Magister Rommath: As I suspected, it gets worse up ahead. The Silver Covenant is outright attacking innocent Sunreavers!

This cannot stand. While our prime directive is to rescue Aethas Sunreaver, we must also protect as many blood elves as we can.

I will continue to scout ahead. Fight well, (class)!



Slay 6 Silver Covenant Enforcers and 4 Silver Covenant Spellbows.



Grand Magister Rommath: It’s chaos up there. We need to save whoever we can, and we’ll need to move quickly.


Grand Magister Rommath: So much bloodshed! In a place of peace!

Jaina has gone too far this time.


Hand of the Silver Covenant

Grand Magister Rommath: Every Sunreaver Jaina expels from this city is a new blade that fights for the Horde. For US.

I’m off to gather more strong elves. You’ve proven your hand in combat thus far – go take care of that creep in the black market.

When you’re done, we’ll meet at the ramp and prepare to go aboveground.



Slay Sorin Magehand



Grand Magister Rommath: The first stage of our mission is complete. That was the easy part.

(Rommath takes a deep, measured breath, then continues …)


A Tactical Assault

Grand Magister Rommath: If we’re to survive up above ground, we’re going to need a base of operations.

I’m going to try to take the center of the city. It’s risky, but hopefully Jaina and the Silver Covenant won’t expect it.

Stay by my side now, (Name).



Follow Grand Magister Rommath into the center of Dalaran.


Grand Magister Rommath: Wait for my command …

Grand Magister Rommath: Go go go go! To the center of the city! This way!



Grand Magister Rommath: Now, let’s move quickly.

Move quickly, but carefully, (Name). We don’t have much time, but this mission dies if you do.


The Silver Covenant’s Stronghold

Grand Magister Rommath: I have it on good authority that Archmage Aethas Sunreaver is being held in the Silver Enclave, home of the Silver Covenant. Arcanist Rathaella holds him in captivity.

Most Covenant agents are out slaughtering Sunreavers right now, which means our chance is ripe. Slay Rathaella, and spring Aethas from his prison.



Slay Arcanist Rathaella.



Grand Magister Rommath: We will continue saving Sunreavers for a while longer, Aethas’ location may become clearer as we press on.


Krasus’ Landing

Grand Magister Rommath: We can rescue as many Sunreavers as we want, but if they can’t escape, then there’s no point.

The Silver Covenant will certainly be subduing and killing the Sunreavers’ dragonhawks. Put a stop to it.



Free 6 Sunreaver Dragonhawks.



Grand Magister Rommath: Well done, (Name). Well done.


The Kirin Tor’s True Colors

Grand Magister Rommath: Any pretense that the Kirin Tor might have had at being a “neutral” group can officially be discarded. I’m now hearing that Jaina’s got Alliance troops stowed away near Antonida’s Memorial.

The area’s free of Sunreavers, but it still makes my blood boil to see such blatant favoritism from the Kirin Tor.

Go visit the memorial, (Name) … and give those Alliance dogs a good kick on your way through.



Slay Lieutenant Corwin and 10 of his troops.



Grand Magister Rommath: Thank you for that, (Name).

It unsettles me to have to fight directly with the high elves of the Silver Covenant … but I never tire of slaying Alliance.


The Remaining Sunreavers

Grand Magister Rommath: There’s still a number of significant Sunreavers who haven’t been accounted for. Odds are that they’re in the Sunreaver’s Sanctuary, caught by surprise.

(Rommath hands you an artifact, clearly made by blood elf hands.)

The place is crawling with Silver Covenant. You’ll need to get in, use the Tear to evacuate the VIPs, and then get out.

Stay alive, (Name).



Use the Tear of the Sin’dorei on Uda the Beast, High Arcanist Savor, Magister Hathorel, Magister Surdiel, and Magistrix Vesara.



Magistrix Vesara: Jaina is taking away my home by force? I’ll remember this …

(Rescue Magistrix Vesara: 1/1)


Magister Surdiel: I hope the Horde has a place for another mage …

(Rescue Magister Surdiel: 1/1)


High Arcanist Savor: So long, Dalaran …

(Rescue High Arcanist Savor: 1/1)


Uda the Beast: Come on, girls. You’ve had your share of meat for the day.

(Rescue Uda the Beast: 1/1)


Magister Hathorel: Thank you, (Name). See you in Silvermoon …

(Rescue Magister Hathorel: 1/1)



Grand Magister Rommath: Excellent. They should be waiting for us in Silvermoon when we return.


One Last Grasp

Grand Magister Rommath: We’ve looked everywhere he’s likely to be, except for one place: the Violet Citadel.

Find out if Archmage Aethas is being held within the citadel, (name). We may get lucky. If not … at least we saved a number of lives today.



Slay Mage-Commander Zuros, then escape from Dalaran.



Note: After slaying Zuros, Rommath appears and opens a portal.

Grand Magister Rommath: Aethas, this way! Into the portal!

(Enter the Portal)


Grand Magister Rommath: Stay by me! We’re going out the tunnel!


Grand Magister Rommath: Stay by my side!


(Escape Dalaran: 1/1)

(Note: Aethas and Rommath walk down the sewer pipe of Dalaran, and jump to skydive. The player must jump too. A Dragonhawk spawns to catch you mid-air.)

(Note: This is not the same Dalaran City floating above Crystalsong Forest in Northrend. This copy of Dalaran City is instanced. It’s floating in the sky and moving through The Great Sea.)

(Speculation: Because of this, it’s likely possible Blizzard Entertainment might be planning to move Dalaran City at some point in the future back to Lordaeron … or to Pandaria? Only time will tell.)


Lor’themar Theron: Is this … (name)? What’s going on here?

(Dominance Offensive Achievement Progress: The Purge of Dalaran)



Lor’themar Theron: Aethas! You’re alive.

Archmage Aethas Sunreaver: Thanks to this hero, a few of us made it out of there. Many more have been sent to the Violet Hold.


Lor’themar Theron: Anar’alash denal! Will someone tell me WHAT is going on in Dalaran?

Archmage Aethas Sunreaver: Proudmoore! She’s gone and expelled the Sunreavers from the city. She’s purging the Horde from the Kirin Tor!

Lor’themar Theron: She’s gone too far. I’m certain the Alliance can move their war mages through the city at will. That human … witch!

When will they learn? When will they see that the Horde exists BECAUSE of the Alliance? Because of their prejudice and their bigotry!? They force us ever closer to Hellscream’s Horde.

Archmage Aethas Sunreaver: My Lord …

Lor’themar Theron: Hal’duron, summon the rangers. Rommath, assemble the Blood Magi, and add the Sunreaver’s strength to your own.

We Sin’dorei will take our future into our own hands. And get this damn thing (The Divine Bell) out of my sight! Hellscream bought his treasure with the blood of my people. I hope it destroys him.

Grand Magister Rommath: My Lord. YOU would make a fine Warchief.

Lor’themar Theron: It may come to that. Bring me my blades. The next move is mine.


Return to the Patch 5.1 Landfall Quest Hub Page for the entire storyline.