This week I will be posting most of the Cataclysm Quartermaster factions, tabards, reputation loot and heirlooms. I will add each loot as images instead of links so that you can compare and check out all the loot comfortably. You can find the Cataclysm Quartermasters in the right menu under Cataclysm for future reference.
The Ramkahen faction is a spinoff of the Tol’vir race. Their sworn enemies are the Tol’vir from Neferset. These allied with Deathwing and accepted the gift from Deathwing’s herald: Siamat (Lord of the South Winds) is a level 87 elite Elemental … a djinn. He empowered the Neferset by removing their curse of flesh, and reverting them to their metallic state.
You can find the Quartermaster at Ramkahen (center of the Uldum map). He sells the Ramkahen Tabard when you become friendly with the Rankahem. It allows you to increase reputation with them by completing Heroic Cataclysm dungeons. Blacksmith Abasi sells the following items:
Dragonmaw | Earthen Ring | Ramkahen | Therazane | Guardians of Hyjal