Players complete the leveling campaign at Level 76 and begin the World of Warcraft: The War Within 11.0 Endgame Campaign after completing the Azj-Kahet campaign — but with some gated requirements:
- Reach level 80.
- Reach Rank 4 Renown with:
- Council of Dornogal
- The Assembly of the Deeps
- Hallowfall Arathi
- The Severed Threads
Only after you complete these two requirements can The War Within endgame questline begin.

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![]() Reunited with Anduin, you and Alleria returned to the surface and gather your allies. Moira received you both when you and Alleria returned to Dornogal. She asked you to signal when the combined fleets of the Horde and Alliance arrived. Thrall and Jaina returned with the fleet and were eager to begin hunting Xal'atath. But first, they asked you to prepare a space for them in Dornogal. After power was restored to the titans' machines, the Archives came online. Dagran and Brinthe discovered a new chamber beneath Dornogal while the Horde and Alliance finalized their plans. |
1. Surface Bound |
2. Renown of Khaz Algar |
3. The Fleet Arrives |
4. Embassies and Envoys |
5. There's Always Another Secret |
6. What's Hidden Beneath Dornogal |
7. Preparing for the Unknown |
8. Urban Odyssey |
![]() Though the Stormriders were decimated, the Horde and Alliance realized they will need the earthen's might in the war ahead. Thrall found hope, however, in Rooktender Lufsela. Hoping to summon more stormrooks, you journeyed with Thrall and Rooktender Lufsela to Dhar Oztan. There you encountered Olbarig, a former Stormrider, and strange pilgrims who were drawn to the site. You learned about Olbarig's past as Baelgrim's second. Once you found the conduit, he agreed to help you and Lufsela summon more stormrooks for the new Stormriders -- Dhar Oztan's pilgrims. The conduit had to be charged before the summoning ritual, leading you, Lufsela, Thrall, and Olbarig to Dhar Oztan's peak. There, you defended the earthen pilgrims and helped Lufsela charge the conduit. Lufsela, with your help and that of Thrall and Olbarig, used Baelgrim's conduit to call down more rooks. Lufsela began her journey as a shaman and the pilgrims begain theirs as Stormriders. Thrall suggested giving the Stormriders time to bond with their stormrooks, so you went to go check on Adelgonn and the progress of the earthen's ground troops. You found Danath Trollbane and Geya'rah reviving old rivalries. Eager to help the earthen, you assisted Trollbane and Geya'rah in outfitting and training earthen ground troops. After returning to Dhar Oztan, you rallied the rookie Stormriders and helped them take to the skies for their first flying lessons with Kurdran Wildhammer. But Olbarig has gone missing... Kurdran spotted Olbarig near the Meadery. While the rookies head home to roost, you helped an old Stormrider pay his last respects to his departed friend. You and Olbarig return to the Proscenium with Zarein, Baelgrim's stormrook, in tow. Lufsela became the new stormward, and Merrix and Adelgonn prepared to formally commit the earthen to the war against Xal'atath. Breaking the Edicts triggered a titan failsafe, causing a colossal titan construct to march toward the Isle of Dorn to purge the earthen. You and the untested Stormriders intercepted and defeated it. |
1. After the Storm |
2. Dhar Oztan |
3. Conduit of the Souther Storm |
4. Charging Up That Hill |
5. Heeding the Call |
6. Rook Rally |
7. Ground Pounders |
8. Metal and Stone |
9. Goldbricking |
10. Home to Roost |
11. Strays |
12. Flight Training 101 |
13. Flight Training 102 |
14. Flight Training 103 |
15. Paying Respects |
16. The Edicts |
17. Titanic Failsafe |
![]() The Weaver has a lead that may be of interest and has asked you to investigate. What you find will surely benefit both your causes. You met with the Weaver alongside Lilian Voss. There, you were tasked with investigating the City of Threads with Y'tekhi, a former quartermaster who managed to sneak their way into Ascension. Together, you found valluable information and made your way into the Transformatory, where the true secrets of Ascension should be revealed. After making a horrifying discovery and attempting to free a monstrously malformed nerubian, you were intercepted by Xal'atath. Amused at your attempt, she seemed to drive Y'tekhi from ally to enemy in the blink of an eye. Although you subdued Y'tekhi, there is no telling when they will recover. You reported the grim news to Alleria Windrunner. |
1. Gathering Intel |
2. A Spider's-Eye View |
3. Lab Access |
4. Creeping Through Corridors |
5. Making of a Monster |
6. The Queen's Chains |
7. Rogue Agent |
8. Go Loud |
9. Manufactured Mutiny |
10. News From Below |
![]() High Speaker Brinthe discovered a mysterious signal originating from an abandoned war golem facility in the Ringing Deeps. Brinthe discovered ZZ-01-47, a small maintenance machine that was sending a distress signal from the Deepforge Golemworks. Brinthe asked you to scout the defunct golem factory, working with ZZ-01-47. The Alliance of the Deeps needed a way to get the factory up and running again. Brinthe summoned you back to her abode in Gundargaz so you could make more plans. Meeting with Brinthe and Dagran, you formed a plan to clear out the goblins in the Deepforge Golemworks and get the factory operational again. Collaborating with Brinthe and Dagran, you made a plan. First, get the Waterworks up and running again to restore power. At the Shadowvein Extraction Site, restore the flow of materials and resources for war golem construction. And, with old-fashioned mayhem, draw the goblins out of the Golemworks and reactivate the factory before they can respond. The Waterworks is infested by troublesome kobolds and vindictive elementals. Getting it up and running again seemed like quite a challenge, but Dagran offered his help. With the Waterworks up and running again, you needed to head to the Shadowvein Extraction site and restore the flow of resources. The Shadowvein Extraction site was receiving power, but it was infested with rock worms! With ZZ-01-47's help, site operations could be restored. Most of the Shadowvein Extraction site was restored, with the large exception of the crushers in the nearby cave. Getting them moving again was vital before you could return to the Deepforge Golemworks. With power restored and resources flowing to the Deepforge Golemworks, all that was left was to clear out the goblins. Clearing the goblins out of the manufacturing bay was not easy. Brinthe's plan was to cause mayhem outside of the manufacturing bay, drawing the goblins out one by one. Then you planned to proceed into the manufacturing bay, where you could reactivate the golemworks. The Deepforge Golemworks is back up and running, existing War Golems are reactivating, and the Golemworks is producing more. It was time to return to Dornogal and relay your message of success, speaking with the Machine Speaker emissary there. |
1. A Mysterious Signal |
2. Small Friend, Big Plans |
3. Factory Recon |
4. Back to Base |
5. A Plan Comes Together |
6. To the Waterworks |
7. Elemental Trepidation |
8. Putting the Works in Waterworks |
9. Shadowvein Extraction |
10. We Require More Minerals |
11. The Motherlode |
12. Back to Where it Began |
13. It's Sabotage |
14. The Voice of the Speakers |
![]() After leaving the Deepforge Golemworks with all armies assembled, Xal'atath strikes the coalition just as you're all in place. Ready for all enemies, you and the coalition take on Xal'atath's forces in the pursuit of stopping her. You followed Alleria to finally confront Xal'atath and end this battle. After chasing down Xal'atath, you returned to Dornogal for a very well deserved rest. |
1. Archives: The First Disc |
2. A Tide Needing Turned |
3. The Might of Khaz Algar |
4. Steel and Flames |
5. Cutting Off the Legs |
6. A Light in the Dark |
7. Return to Dornogal |
• Our Chance to Strike |
• The Beginning of the End |
• A Spy Like Us |
• Defense of the People |
• Make Them Prey |
• A Shot at the Top |
• To Kill a Queen |