There are several treasure chests and sealed caves throughout Argus’ zones (Krokuun, Mac’Aree, and the Antoran Wastes). The treasure chests are either inaccessible due to a force field, or inside caves blocked by a pile of rocks. These two have something in common: both have a floating crystal marking them.
As of PTR patch build 7.3 v0.24781 we now know their purpose: “Will only open to one wielding the power that echoes that of the Augari.”
According to Marcel Neubert (in the comments) these are opened with the Vindicaar abilities. The color of the crystals match the Vindicaar abilities. For example:
Pink crystal = Shroud of Arcane Echoes
Yellow crystal = Light’s Judgment
Blue crystal = Lightforged Warframe
The images below show some of the treasure chests and blocked caves (with coordinates) that can be unlocked once you acquire the power of the Augari.
These are the treasure chests I have found so far marked in the maps below. All treasure chests respawn in less than 24 hours. You won’t find the ones marked as grey circles 100% of the time at the same location because they respawn at a random location. The grey circles are merely coordinates where I have personally sighted a normal treasure chest. Submit more via private message @blizzplanetcom
For larger images hold down the right-button and choose “Open Link in New Tab.”
- Krokuun Treasure Map
- MacAree Treasure Map
In the Mac’Aree map (above) there are two marked with the Goblin Glider icon. These two treasure chests can be reached via Goblin Glider or the Demon Hunter glide ability.
Those are opened with Vindicaar powers.
First one requires the Lightforged Warframe, third ability clears the rocks, just a generic chest with AP/junk/catchup gear and argunite
Second one requires the Shroud of Arcane Echoes power, chest can be opened while shrouded. Again just a generic chest.
Third one requires the Light’s Judgment ability. Removes the rocks and reveals another generic chest.
The color of the floating crystal corresponds to the color the vindicaar matrix core turns into when you select the different abilities.
Thanks a lot, Marcel. Added maps marking some of them. Unfortunately, I had already looted most of the normal ones, but at least now people can see where to find the hidden ones marked with crystals. I’m likely missing some.
And how do you get the Vindicaar buff?
Hi Mystique Ulh. The Vindicaar buff is earned as you progress through the story quests. Unfortunately, I wrote this article based on my PTR experience, which Blizzard accelerated in the initial PTR patch. Later on, toward the middle of the PTR, Blizzard adjusted the story progression to what it would be in the Live version. Right now in the Live version, the story progression is gated. Meaning that each week you will get new quests that will continue to unfold some of these Vindicaar buffs each week.
I am also curious about whether there are iLevel requirements to access the Vindicaar buffs. For example, two days ago I started the Argus quests. I got the first Vindicaar buff: Light’s Judgment — which is acquired after you blow up the rocks leading to the Xenedar in Krokuun. I did the quests side by side with a partner, and she didn’t get the Light’s Judgment buff. No clue yet why not.
The quest that starts that is Bringing the Big Guns which makes you recover the cannon of the Xenedar to attach it to the Vindicaar. Later after the Illidan/Xe’ra cinematic, you get the quest The Vindicaar Matrix Core to enable the Vindicaar buff.
Next week, you will eventually get to the Alleria quests (probably at Week 2-3). You will know it is coming when her first quest starts: Whispers of Oronaar . The end of Alleria’s questline is the quest that sends you to kill L’ura in the Seat of the Triumvirate dungeon — The Seat of the Triumvirate: The Crest of Knowledge . After that I think you get the Shroud of Arcane Echoes buff. If I am wrong, then it is acquired after you finish the quests earlier at the Conservatory of the Arcane (Week 2).
You will probably be able to get the next Vindicaar Buff which is the Lightforged Warframe after the quests Lord of the Spire and Forming a Bond — unsure if it will be week 3 or 4.
They completely changed the way story progression was done earlier in the PTR, and split it into weeks. Even the order in which quests were done was altered. I first finished the entire Krokuun quests in the first two weeks of the PTR, and then they opened Mac’Aree. Later they opened Antoran Wastes.
However, mid-PTR they rearranged the story progression into weekly gate, and out of the blue after doing the Krokuun quests up to meeting Alleria, you are sent straight into Antoran Wastes. Which felt backwards. Now you go from Krokuun to Antoran Wastes, and 2-3 weeks later they send you to Mac’Aree. Even more bizarre, I think you do the dungeon first before they open the Krokuun quest Lord of the Spire (which unlocks the Lightforged Warframe buff).
Hi georgia. The mount is not what opens the sealed caves (with the hovering crystal). What opens them is the Vindicaar Matrix Core’s ability: Lightforged Warframe. This ability is acquired after you finish the quest Lord of the Spire in Krokuun. I am unsure how Blizzard scheduled the quest to become available. It might be around Week 2, 3, or even 4. This the last quest given at Destiny Point in Krokuun. The quest that triggers the Agrammar cinematic. Lord of the Spire gives you a prototype vehicle to kill Lord Nath’raxas —
After that quest, you will get the follow up FORMING A BOND, which grants you the Lightforged Warframe ability at the Vindicaar Matrix Core. You can switch between abilities at the Matrix Core. The warframe is what opens the caves to access those treasure chests.
It actually says: “Will only open to one WELDING the power that echoes that of the Augari.”
Found another yellow one at 50.74, 39.12!
Edit: In Mac’Aree*
Also thanks for the map, it’s great 🙂
Mac Aree : 45.8, 5.1 blue chest
The spawn timers are not 24 hours, they seem to be unique one time deals.
What about the 4th one? The Fel heart or what ever?
I have had the same one multiple times.