The Darkspear Rebellion

Lorewalker Cho: My dream brew can only tell me so much. Its visions are scattered in time and space. But it is clear that a showdown is brewing amongst the Horde.

In my dream brew I see that the troll Vol’jin of the Darkspear has already travelled to Durotar to defend his people. He is accompanied by Chen Stormstout, the brewmaster from the Wandering Isle.

If I have learned anything about Chen, it won’t be long before he brews upsome trouble … You should hurry!


Quest Objectives

Travel to Durotar and speak with Ki’ta Arrowtusk in Sen’jin Village.


Lorewalker Cho: So! Even as the Alliance binds itself ever closer together, the Horde is ripping itself apart.

My friend, something is about to give. I wish I could experience the next chapter of the story, but alas, I am just the storyteller.

You, brave hero – you are strong enought to leap into the center of events as they transpire.

Go now! Go to Durotar! Make your mark as history unfurls around you!


(Ki’ta Arrowtusk beckons you over.)


Ki’ta Arrowtusk: I been waiting for ya, hero. Dis be a time of reckoning.