World of Warcraft # 25 will be packed with action, where we will learn the fate of Med’an, Cho’gall and the Twilight Hammer who are about to clash in Ahn’Qiraj, Garona, Aegwynn, Meryl and Valeera Sanguinar will be there. Hopefully this issue shows us a glimpse into what might happen to herald the Cataclysm, the events of the upcoming WoW expansion.
A few weeks ago, I provided a spoiler image which captured what Cho’gall’s plans are with breaking the barrier between Azeroth and the Elemental Plane. An event that we know since BlizzCon 2009 is the main focus of World of Warcraft: Cataclysm with the introduction of the Firelands in Mount Hyjal, the Abyssal Maw, and Deepholm.
In issue # 25, the new Council of Tirisfal led by Lady Jaina Proudmoore chant the spell that teleports them into a pocket outside time and space in the Twisting Nether in order to initiate the ritual of the Guardian to infuse Med’an as their new Guardian.
The World of Warcraft comic book’s story arc with the son of Garona and Medivh is coming to a close in issue # 25, which coincides with the apparent departure of Walter Simonson and Louise Simonson who remained as writers since launch. Don’t miss grabbing this issue # 25 while supplies last. It hit newsstands and comic shops on November 18th. The next issue is World of Warcraft Special # 1 (Dec 9) whose events will trigger the launch of the World of Warcraft: Horde # 1 title spinoff and World of Warcraft: Alliance # 26.
Walter Simonson is among the legends of comic books, remembered among many other titles for his run on The Mighty Thor (Marvel) and Orion (DC Comics). I still remember X-Factor # 25 by Louise Simonson as writer and Walter Simonson as penciler. In X-factor # 25, Apocalypse and his four horsemen, including Archangel attack New York City. Their participation in the World of Warcraft comic book is widely welcomed and hope they get back at some point.

The bonus-sized epic final showdown! Will Med’an and the newly formed Council of Tirisfal vanquish the evil Cho’gall and the Twilight’s Hammer? Will the unlikely union of Horde and Alliance be torn asunder?
Written by Walter and Louise Simonson
Art by Mike Bowden and Tony Washington
Cover by Mike Bowden and Tony WashingtonWildstorm – 40pg. – $3.99
On Sale November 18, 2009
I got issue # 25, and it finally reveals that little mystery whether Meryl Winterstorm was the same character as Meryl Felstorm. In this very issue, Meryl renames himself to Meryl Felstorm.
I’m a bit upset with Aegwynn’s fate. However, considering her arrogance as a young Guardian caused all of the mess that has forgone in Azeroth, it was a noble redemption. Some fans don’t like much the Captain Planet Med’an thing, but I think we have seen that already with a younger Aegwynn until she went solo — and no one complained much. Maybe it’s the tendrils. Don’t know.
Aegwynn was buried at the crypt near Karazhan: Morgan’s Plot.
Med’an continues to be the new Guardian of Azeroth at the end of this book. We will have to wait and see if something happens in the World of Warcraft Special # 1. The thing here is that if Med’an doesn’t die as the prophecy calls … that little rumor about Thrall becoming the new Guardian becomes just that: a rumor.
The only way Thrall could become the new Guardian is if Med’an dies, or if Med’an undergoes Malfurion’s cliche trip to MMO limbo for a few years while Thrall takes the mantle until Med’an returns. We will have to wait and see. I’m very curious whether J. Allen Brack really didn’t know who the New Council of Tirisfal was, or if he pretended not knowing anything when I asked him at the Blizzcon 2009 Press Q&A if the New Council of Tirisfal would play a role in World of Warcraft: Cataclysm.
There’s a hint that we might meet Meryl Felstorm and Garona in World of Warcraft: Cataclysm. Meryl has left the new Council of Tirisfal to hunt remnants of the Twilight’s Hammer minions. Garona decided to accompany Meryl in his hunt, as a sidekick. Meryl continues to hold the demon Dreadlord Kathra’natir within himself. A nice potential raid boss to tackle. You can read the story of Meryl Winterstorm and Kathra’natir in Warcraft Legends # 5. The story is titled: First Guardian and it’s written by Walter Simonson’s half-heart: Louise Simonson. Check out our video interview with both writers during the New York Comic Con 2009.
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That’s the one I was talking about