As you arrived in Bastion you met Kleia, who helped you make contact with the ascended Kalisthene. In order to gain an audience with the Archon, you were instructed to follow the path of the kyrian as if you were an aspirant. After saving Kleia's soulbind, Pelagos, from a meditation gone awry, you made your way to Aspirant's Crucible. |
1. Welcome to Eternity✅ |
2. Pardon our Dust✅ |
3. A Fate Most Noble✅ |
4. Trouble in Paradise✅ |
5. Walk the Path, Aspirant✅ |
6. A Soulbind in Need✅ |
7. The Things that Haunt us✅ |
In the Crucible you viewed your deeds in life and trained alongside kyrian aspirants, helping fight against the anima drought in the process. After confronting your own burdens from life, you successfully earned the favor of Kalisthene -- and access to a portion of Bastion's power. |
1. The Aspirant's Crucible✅ |
2. A Life of Service✅ |
3. A Forge Gone Cold✅ |
4. The Cycle of Anima: Etherwyrms✅ |
5. The Cycle of Anima: Flower Power✅ |
6. The Cycle of Anima: Drought Conditions✅ |
7. Light the Forge, Forgelite✅ |
8. The Work of One's Hands✅ |
9. The True Crucible Awaits✅ |
10. Assessing Your Strength✅ |
11. Assessing Your Stamina✅ |
12. Assessing Your Spirit✅ |
13. The Chamber of First Reflection✅ |
14. The First Cleansing✅ |
15. The Archon's Answer✅ |
16. All an Aspirant Can Do✅ |
Pelagos joined you in the nearby Temple of Purity, where the number of kyrian falling into a darkened state has increased dramatically during the anima drought. Although you tried to save all you could, the fallen have organized into a group known as the Forsworn. The Forsworn launched a surprise attack on the Temple of Purity, and you helped push it back. In your confrontation with Lysonia, the leader of the assault, you were able to obtain a fragment of her essence with the Paragon of Purity's aid. |
1. The Temple of Purity✅ |
2. A Temple in Need✅ |
3. On the Edge of a Revelation✅ |
4. A Wayward Disciple?✅ |
5. Step Back from that Ledge, My Friend✅ |
6. A Once Sweet Sound✅ |
7. Dangerous Discourse✅ |
8. An Inspired Moral Inventory✅ |
9. The Hand of Purification✅ |
10. The Enemy You Know✅ |
11. The Hand of Doubt✅ |
12. Purity's Prerogative✅ |
You took Lysonia's fragment to the Mnemonic Locus, where you learned more about the origins of the Forsworn. Forgelite Prime Mikanikos helped you uncover an incoming second Forsworn attack somewhere in Bastion. |
1. Chasing a Memory✅ |
2. Directions Not Included✅ |
3. The Prime's Directive✅ |
4. The Mnemonic Locus✅ |
5. What's in a Memory?✅ |
6. Lysonia's Truth✅ |
7. I MADE You!✅ |
8. Mnemis, at your Service✅ |
9. The Vault of the Archon✅ |
10. A Paragon's Reflection✅ |
11. Leave it to Mnemis✅ |
12. Hostile Recollection✅ (Optional: Bonus Quest) |
1. Go in Service✅ |
2. Your Personal Assistant✅ |
In order to warn the Archon of the imminent attack you traveled to Hero's Rest. You were granted a steward companion of your choosing, who then helped you activate the beacon to summon Polemarch Adrestes, herald of the Archon. You entered Elysian Hold, home of the ascended, and finally met with the Archon. She asked you to inspect the wards protecting Bastion's five temples. While inspecting the wards, you came upon a Forsworn Uther the Lightbringer. Uther disabled the ward for the Temple of Courage, leaving it vulnerable to attack. |
1. Steward at Work✅ |
2. On Swift Wings✅ |
3. Kyrestia, the Firstborne✅ |
4. The Wards of Bastion✅ |
As you, Kleia, and Pelagos flew to meet Mikanikos at the Temple of Courage, you saw a Maldraxxian Necropolis enter the sky above and begin sieging the area. You helped push back the Maldraxxus assault, but at the loss of the Hand of Courage, Thanikos. Xandria, the Paragon of Courage, chased after the Harvester and his allies deeper within the Necrotic Wake. You were tasked both with aiding her, and informing Oribos of Maldraxxus's betrayal. |
1. Imminent Danger✅ |
2. Now or Never✅ |
3. Rip and Tear✅ |
4. Stay Scrappy✅ |
5. Fight Another Day✅ |
6. Double Tap✅ |
7. Clear as Crystal✅ |
8. The Final Countdown✅ |
9. A Time for Courage✅ |
10. Necrotic Wake: A Paragon's Plight✅ (Dungeon) |
11. Follow the Path✅ |
12. The Arbiter's Will✅ |
13. A Land of Strife✅ |