The World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor press event in San Francisco, France and South Korea is taking place today, Thursday 2/20. South Korea is already starting to upload New Warlords of Draenor gameplay videos in YouTube. I’ll update this page often as more videos come out.

Alliance – Karabor Gameplay

This is the first time I have seen gameplay videos of this nature given to the press when closed beta hasn’t even started. It is a novelty. In this video, we can see the character creation screen. The player chooses a Gnome Rogue. He shows the Talent Tree with the level 100 talents.

Something really curious about this video is that the character screen says “Draenor Beta” instead of Alpha.


Horde – Frostfire Ridge Gameplay

This video shows an orc warlock starting in Frostfire Ridge. He finds Thrall (curiously dressing Orgrim Doomhammer’s armor again) and a brown-skinned Drek’Thar. He takes you and Thrall to Wor’gol to bring us before Durotan and the Frostwolf Clan. The short video shows nigh a dozen quests.

Dwarf Male

Around minute 4:00, you will see a portion of Shadowmoon Valley. The player rides from Karabor to the Arbitum (what’s is now The Hand of Gul’dan volcano).

PlayersCut TV – Brian Holinka Interview

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