I forgot to mention I interviewed Christie Golden at the Book Revue in Huntington, New York back on June 13. The video interview covered a few questions such as her thoughts on making it into the New York Bestselling Hardcover twice for World of Warcraft: Arthas; and various questions about Starcraft: The Dark Templar, Twilight. I voluntarily submitted the video to Blizzard, to make sure everything is alright, and they will get back to me. Once that happens, the video interview will be public. Stay tuned. In the meantime, if you missed them, I released some of the videos where Christie reads pages from World of Warcraft: Arthas to the attendees at the Book Revue. I’m sure many of you will appreciate listening to her.
After the interview, I asked Christie Golden if she is scheduled to attend Blizzcon 2009. She confirmed she is going to be there, so make sure to bring your books and mangas from both authors to be signed, and take photos. Jaime from Simon & Schuster, Inc. (Pocket Books) and her husband came all the way to Huntington to meet Christie and gave her and me a copy of Starcraft: The Dark Templar, Twilight. Really cute, eh? She also confirmed to be going to Blizzcon, and we agreed to meet there.
Richard A. Knaak wrote a lengthy newsletter confirming his attendance to Blizzcon 2009 and letting fans know which booths to find him at. He also reveals the schedule for some of his upcoming Warcraft and Diablo pocket books. Actually, the Diablo release is the trade paperback (TPB) titled Diablo: The Sin War Trilogy Archive. Fans have been expecting this TPB for ages, and now it is been announced to hit bookstores on December.
The coming months bring a lot of activity and so there will be updates in the future, but here is what is going on:
First and foremost, LEGENDS OF THE DRAGONREALM will be out in just over a month! Go to http://www.richardaknaak.com to see both the cover and some very nice comments about the book from R.A. Salvatore, Margaret Weis, Glen Cook, & Ed Greenwood! At 708 pages and with the first ever map of the series—- two pages yet—- this is a terrific way to begin or return to my series, which has been published in many languages and is still going strong!
Second, I will be appearing at the following conventions—- Blizzcon in Anaheim from Aug. 21-22 and Dragoncon in Atlanta Sep. 4-6! Look for me at the Pocket or Tokyopop Booth at the former and on panels (tba) or near the Larry Smith Bookseller Booth at the latter! I hope to show off a copy of LEGENDS at Blizzcon and we will definitely be getting copies for Dragoncon!
Next, if you plan to check out LEGENDS from the library, I encourage you to make certain that your library will actually be getting a copy. Requesting is always helpful in how libraries decide which titles to order! Special thanks to readers in Washington State and Minnesota who have already pushed the title there!
WARCRAFT fans!—- For those of you interested in my next novel, STORMRAGE, check out WARCRAFT LEGENDS VOL. 5 from Tokyopop for an exciting excerpt! I’ve also written a story for the manga that will tie in with events to come…but you need to check out the manga to learn more!
I’m hoping that there will be copies of the manga at Blizzcon!
Lastly, below is a current list of what is coming out and when:
9/1——LEGENDS OF THE DRAGONREALM (Pocket Books) ISBN-10: 1439107009/ISBN-13: 978-1439107003—- $18.00 Trade
9/1——WARCRAFT LEGENDS Vol. 5* (Tokyopop) ISBN-10: 1427815267/ ISBN-13: 978-1427815262—- $10.99 Manga
*Features an excerpt from the major upcoming WORLD OF WARCRAFT novel—- STORMRAGE!
12/1——BEASTMASTER: MYTH (Pocket Books) w/SYLVIO TABET, original producer of the films and series ISBN-10: 1439144176/ISBN-13: 978-1439144176—- $16.00 Trade
12/1——DRAGONLANCE: THE GARGOYLE KING (WOTC) ISBN-10: 0786952385/ISBN-13: 978-0786952380—- $7.99 Mass Market
12/1——DIABLO: THE SIN WAR ARCHIVE (Pocket Books)
2010—- WARCRAFT: DRAGONS OF OUTLAND VOL. I – SHADOW WING (Tokyopop) ISBN-10: 1427810265/ISBN-13: 978-1427810267—- $10.99 Manga
2010—- WARCRAFT: MAGE (Tokyopop) ISBN-10: 142781497X/ISBN-13: 978-1427814975
That’s all for now! More details as they become available!
Richard A. Knaak