Blizzard Entertainment unveiled the fifth part of the “Lords of War” animated web series focusing on Vindicator Maraad’s past. Maraad eagerly requests King Varian Wrynn to stamp his seal of approval to declare war against the Iron Horde, offering himself to lead the troops.


There is a dark secret in Maraad’s past that he wishes to undo knowing they would go back in time to invade the Iron Horde. There are some spoilers on page 2 I wish to discuss concerning something that happens in Warlords of Draenor beta.

We proudly present the epic conclusion to Blizzard Entertainment’s animated lore miniseries Lords of War! Watch the tale of draenei champion Vindicator Maraad, and then catch the entire series to learn about some of the other major players in the upcoming World of Warcraft expansion, Warlords of Draenor.

Vindicator Maraad battled the demonic orcs of the first Horde. He witnessed the slaughter of his people in Shattrath. It was the draenei’s darkest day, and Maraad’s greatest test . . . and the memory of his actions have haunted him ever since.

Once you’re caught up on Maraad’s tale, visit his character page to read more about this draenei warrior of the Light and his role in the events to come.

Before you can harbor any hope of defeating the Iron Horde, you must first understand what—and whom—you’re up against. Visit our Lords of War page to watch all five episodes and witness the stories of Draenor’s mightiest leaders.