World of Warcraft executive producer Holly Longdale has announced the World of Warcraft 2024 Roadmap with major milestones and plans for Dragonflight, Classic and Hardcore Realms.
- Dragonflight Seeds of Renewal (10.2.5)
- Follower dungeons
- Dragonflight epilogue quests
- Explore and test out additional features on the Public Test Realm, now live
- Cataclysm Classic Beta
- Signups are open today!
- Season of Discovery: Phase 2
- Level 40 Level Cap with Gnomeregan as the new level-up raid and Stranglethorn Vale as the new world PvP location.
- Hardcore Realms: Solo Self-found Mode
Whew! It has been an incredible year for the WoW Team. We are endlessly grateful to our community for being in our world as we grow, change, experiment, and deliver as much magic and fun as possible!
This time last year, I posted our first roadmap. I’m so thankful to our team for seeing it all become real, and then some! We know that promising a thing is a far distant second to actually delivering on that promise. With that said, we continue to learn and evolve with each release and announcement this year, and we are fully focused on listening and responding to you and building for a strong future in Azeroth for all of us.
Listing everything we did together this year is huge: six Dragonflight content updates, Wrath content updates and the return of the Icecrown Citadel raid dungeon, Classic Hardcore launch, BlizzCon 2023, an incredible Race to World First in Dragonflight Season 3, and just recently, Classic Season of Discovery! This year has been one to remember and we want to keep the momentum going!
Now it’s time to share a look ahead into 2024!
In modern World of Warcraft, you’re going to see three more content updates for Dragonflight arriving before World of Warcraft: The War Within releases next year. In these updates, we’ll be wrapping up the story for this expansion and laying the foundation for our next one. Dragonflight Season 4 will revisit Dragonflight’s dungeons and raids, along with outdoor content, featuring updated rewards, and a few new twists. Then, in the Spring/Summer, we’ll ask for your feedback when the War Within expansion alpha and beta tests drop. We will continue to communicate details, dates, and more goodness as we get closer to content updates, just like this year! Well, most of it anyway (we’ll have some surprises in store too!). Coming up next in January, we have the Seeds of Renewal content update on tap and we’re currently keeping an eye on your feedback on the live public test realms (PTR) for this update.
In WoW Classic, we have updates coming for Classic Hardcore with “Self Found” support in February as a new way to challenge players and add a little more hardcore into your Hardcore. Lok’tar ogar! We’ll also have more phases to release in Season of Discovery next year as the adventure continues. And, of course, Cataclysm Classic is right around the corner in the first half of next year! — source
World of Warcraft 2024 Roadmap – Dragonflight
The Dragonflight 10.2.5 is slated to go Live in the Winter — which broadly falls anywhere between December 22 and March 21. This patch includes the Dragon Isles Epilogues questlines, Reclamation of Gilneas, Dragonriding Worldwide, Follower Dungeons, Azerothian Archives, and the Outland Cup. There is also a Hearthstone Anniversary Event that should be active at another date, unless the patch launches on the anniversary (March 11).
I don’t think 10.2.5 is on March 11, but the 10.2.6 is placed between Winter and Spring, which sorta means 10.2.6 should be at least 4 weeks after 10.2.5.
Another great thing in this roadmap is the hint that The War Within Alpha begins shortly before the Spring (Spring officially starts on March 21(USA) for reference) and somewhere near when 10.2.6 launches.
Season 4 begins in the Spring introducing Dragonflight Raids revisited, New PvP Season, New Mythic+ Season rotation, new Open World Rewards.
Somewhere before the Summer (Summer starts June 21 (USA) for reference), we should expect Patch 10.2.7 dubbed Dark Heart. This patch includes Timerunning: Pandamonium, Harbinger Quests, Troll & Draenei Heritage Armor questline, and new Holiday event.
The War Within Beta begins between Spring and Summer which means anywhere between April-June 20.
Surprised to see The War Within Pre-Patch 11.0.1 arriving in the Summer. This hints at an August launch. That pre-patch will include World Events, Warbands, Dynamic Flight, and Guild Updates.
Between Summer and Autumn (I assume mostly August; September at the latest), The War Within introduces Campaign Story, Delves, Hero Talents, Earthen Allied Race, 4 new zones, 8 new dungeons, new Raid, new PvP Season.
Patch 11.0.5 is slated for Autumn (Autumn starts on September 23 (USA) for reference). Introduces Story and Quests, new content system updates. A 20th Anniversary Event.

World of Warcraft Classic
For the World of Warcraft Classic 2024 Roadmap, the image below shows that the Wrath of the Lich King Classic’s Ruby Sanctum Raid begins in the Winter (Winter begins December 22 and ends on March 21(USA) for reference).
Season of Discovery (Winter date) introduces Level 40, new Runes, new PvP event, and the Gnomeregan Raid.
Classic Hardcore (Winter-Spring) adds self-found mode.
In the Spring, Season of Discovery gets Level 50, new Runes, and a new Raid.
Somewhere between March 21 – June, the Cataclysm Classic pre-patch event, Worgen & Goblins, Improved Guild Features, Account-wide collections, and transmog.
In the Summer proper, Cataclysm Classic launches with the campaign sotry, 4 raids, 7 dungeons, 2 heroic dungeons, PvP Battleground, and Darkmoon Island.
In the Summer, Season of Discovery gets Level 60, new Runes, and end game activities.
Between the end of the Summer and the start of Autumn, Cataclysm Classic will introduce Rise of the Zandalari, and in the Autumn, Rage of the Firelands.
In the Autumn, Season of Discovery will introduce end game content updates.