Additional BlizzCon 2023 tickets will be available today Friday, September 29 at 12 p.m. PT! There are two tiers of tickets. One at $299 for General Admission and $799 for the Portal Pass.
The General Admission ticket give access to all halls, early access to the BlizzCon Store on Thursday, Exclusive in-game goodies and the BlizzCon backpack.
The Portal Pass ticket gives access to all the perks of the General Admission, plus private viewing lounge, pivate concessions, gameplay experiences, concierge support, Dev Meet and Greet, separate registration line, separate security line, early convention entry on Friday and Saturday (lounge only).
Learn how to purchase these additional tickets today at this official post.
Recently, Blizzard Entertainment emailed a glimpse into the BlizzCon 2023 events and programming.
- Community Night: watch the community take to the stage
- Opening Ceremony: this year’s biggest news and key reveals
- Overwatch®: Meet the New Hero
- Spend Time Together: meet friends and share stories
- Play Upcoming Content: for Dragonflight and Classic
- March of the Murlocs: join in the tradition
- Overwatch® World Cup: One team will take home the cup
- Hearthstone® Duel-A-Dev: challenge us!
- Warcraft Rumble® Rumblemania: exhibition matches
- Diablo IV® Hell’s Ink: get the Dark Lord’s mark
- Shareable Moments
- World of Warcraft® Guild Clash: who will come out on top?
- Buff Your Inventory: leave with a free BlizzCon backpack
- Inclusion Nexus: celebrate what connects us
- Darkmoon Faire
- Horadric Library
- And more to be revealed