Reports by a Kotaku writer reveal that at least 10 Hearthstone employees were let go with short notice. Their roles in the company were deemed redundant as the team restructures.

Here is a couple of employees who shared their misfortune in Linkedin.

After 18 and a half years at Blizzard Entertainment, I’ve been laid off without notice as of today; the Hearthstone Team is apparently being restructured and my Tools Engineer role is no longer needed. If anyone has need of an experienced tools engineer with nearly two decades of experience at a AAA gaming company, I’m open to being a part of helping create your worlds.

Hunter C. (Tools Engineer)

Today, after 2 years, I was unexpectedly laid off from the Hearthstone team. It wasn’t a long time, but I made the most of it and was making it mine.

Goodbye to the big campus orc, hopefully, we’ll both see better days soon.

GLHF Hearthstone team

Joe Belousek (Senior Producer)