Community manager Kaivax posted the latest Warcraft III: Reforged patch notes which addresses a wide range of issues.
Just a quick note to let everyone know that we have a dedicated team here focused on Warcraft III. Alongside our continued efforts to bring monthly patches with bug fixes and quality of life changes, the team is prioritizing delivering features like Ranked Ladders, Profiles, Clans, and Custom Campaigns. We’ll continue to share more details as those features are nearing release, but know we’re here and hard at work on the game.
- Naga units now have footprints in Reforged mode.
- Random items placed using the unit palette will no longer be invisible in game.
- Fixed animation issues with the Naga Sea Witch’s Tornado spell.
- Magtheridon will now animate correctly when its movement speed is slowed.
- Death Knights have been scaled down to be the correct size in Reforged mode.
- Fixed an issue where buildings that were unsummoned mid-upgrade could sometimes visually persist in-game, in Reforged mode.
- Guard Dog critters will no longer be invisible in Classic mode.
- Fixed a bug where if a Demon Hunter died in demon form, the revive icon would be the demon form icon.
- Added the autocast frame to the Firelord’s Incinerate ability.
- Selection circles for all the neutral ground units has been properly adjusted to fit around the unit.
- The Blademaster’s attack animations have been updated to have less horizontal movement in Reforged mode, making it more consistent to interact with.
- Fixed an issue that was causing certain Reforged combat sounds to be used while in Classic mode.
- Fixed an issue where Meat Wagons sometimes did not properly play their death sounds in Reforged mode.
- Priests and Sorceresses no longer use their blood elf model during cutscenes in “March of the Scourge” in Reforged.
- Player heroes will always be selected when loading from sub-maps to the main map of “To Tame a Land” in Reforged.
- Fixed a bug that could block progress in Gazlow’s quest in “To Tame a Land” where in certain situations the Sappers could not target the support columns.
- “A New Power in Lordaeron” no longer has city gates preventing the AI from attacking the player.
- Blood Elf Archers and Swordsmen command card icons in the Curse of the Blood Elves Campaign have been updated to have green eyes.
- Blood Elf Lieutenants in “The Dungeons of Dalaran” now use the correct command card icon.
- Smoothed the menu transition when exiting a custom lobby
- Fixed an issue that was causing item stacking to break certain custom games.
- Fixed an issue that was causing item stacking to not trigger item-pickup events in scripting.
- Fixed an issue that could cause bridges to desync when a client with Reforged graphics played with another on Classic graphics.
- When using custom hotkeys, Warcraft III Reforged will now also check a user’s keyboard locale layout in-game, in addition to English. This enables the usage of non-English characters in CustomKeys.txt.
- The selection volume for units affected by Cyclone and Tornado spells is now more accurate.
- Fixed a bug where debug text would appear when using certain abilities in some locales.
- Corrected the Necromancer Initiate tooltip to mention Raise Dead instead of Cripple.
- Doodads with invalid/not-found model path will be invisible in game now instead of shown as a green box. They are still shown as a green box in the editor.
- Improved performance when using terrain-deforming abilities in Reforged mode.
- Fixed an issue that caused flickering for some effects when viewed through fog of war in Reforged mode.
- Fixed an issue with some creeps that was causing them to be invisible on Jungle Fever and Rice Fields.
- Fixed an issue on ultrawide screen displays that caused menus to be misaligned.
- Fixed item tables for certain creeps on Timbermaw Hold and Market Square.
- Kobold Geomancers now drop a Level 1 Powerup on Market Square.
- Satyr camps guarding gold mines now drop a Level 3 Permanent and Level 2 Powerup on Timbermaw Hold.
- Dragon camps now also drop a Level 2 Powerup on Timbermaw Hold.
- The following maps have been reactivated on ladder: Ruins of Stratholme (3v3), Banewood Bog LV (4v4), and Fountain of Manipulation (FFA).
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