The Heroes of the Alliance Expedition force escaped through one of the rifts of Ner’zhul to safety, before Draenor was torn apart by the catastrophic energies unleashed by the rifts. According to Khadgar, they met the Naaru 5 months ago and convinced them to come to Outland in an attempt to clash with the Burning Legion in their own staging grounds. The rifts of Ner’zhul were used by the Burning Legion to invade other worlds. Below you can read the epitaphs found at the Valley of Heroes, entrance of Stormwind City. Screenshots and Outland locations where to find the heroes are provided below.
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Former apprentice of Medivh. Presumed Deceased. Never did one so selflessly delve into the dark heart of magic and warfare. We wish you well bold wanderer. Wherever you are. – Antonidas – Archmage of Dalaran NOTE: Khadgar may be found alive at the Terrace of Light in Shattrath City – western edge of Terokkar Forest (Outland). Read his tale about what happened last twenty years. And why they have come to Outland recently. |
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Renowned Dragon Fighter Commander of the Gryphon Rider Division attached to the Alliance Expedition that marched into the orc homeworld of Draenor. Presumed deceased. We will hear Sky-Ree’s calls upon the winds. We will hear your hammer thunder across the mountaintops. Ride hard into the hereafter, brother. The Halls of our ancestors await you! High Thane Falstad Wildhammer Flashback: Kurdran and Sky’ree found Auchindoun – stronghold of the Bleeding Hollow Clan during a recoinaissance. Thanks to this report, Turalyon and Danath were able to raid Auchindoun to halt a possible attack on Azeroth. However, Kurdran and Sky’ree were captured by the Horde and held prisoner at Deathwing Lair Island where Kurdran would be given in sacrifice to Deathwing. Khadgar and Alleria rescued Kurdran from that fate. NOTE: Kurdran Wildhammer can be found alive at the Wildhammer Stronghold, in the southern edge of Shadowmoon Valley (Outland). |
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Former Lieutenant to Lord Anduin Lothar. High General of the Alliance Expedition that marched into the orc homeworld of Draenor. Presumed Deceased. Esarus thar no Darador – By Blood and Honor we serve. You were the right hand of justice and virtue, old friend. Your name will be honored in our halls always. – Lord Uther the Lightbringer – Knight of the Silver Hand. NOTE: Turalyon married Alleria the Ranger and procreated a son named Arator the Redeemed. Turalyon is presumed missing. Rumor is he will be in the prison beneath Black Temple. Warcraft RPG: Shadow and Light mentions heroes held prisoner there. Time will tell. |
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Renowned Troll Hunter of Quel’Thalas. Presumed deceased. Your heart flew straight as any arrow upon the wind, sister. You were the brightest of our Order. You were the most beloved of our kin. – Sylvanas Windrunner – Ranger General of Quel’Thalas NOTE: Alleria is sister of Sylvanas and Vereesa Windrunner. Vereesa is wife of Rhonin – both characters in Warcraft: Day of the Dragon and War of the Ancients Trilogy books. Alleria married Turalyon and had a son named Arator the Redeemed. Alleria is presumed missing alongside with Turalyon. Rumor is that they might be held prisoner at a prison in Black Temple. Her forces can be found at the Allerian Stronghold – southeastern edge of Terokkar Forest. East of the Bone Wastes. |
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Militia Commander of Stromgarde. Force Commander of the Alliance Expedition that marched into the orc homeworld of Draenor. Presumed deceased. We honor your memory, nephew, and your sacrifice. Since the founding of our glorious empire, the path to valor has always been drenched with the blood of heroes. – Thoras Trollbane, Lord of Stromgarde. NOTE: Danath is alive in Honor Hold, at the second floor of the Barracks. Honor Hold may be found in Hellfire Peninsula (Outland). |
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Gryphon companion of Kurdran Wildhammer. Kurdran and Sky’ree found Auchindoun – stronghold of the Bleeding Hollow Clan during a recoinaissance. Thanks to this report, Turalyon and Danath were able to raid Auchindoun to halt a possible attack on Azeroth. However, they were captured and held prisoner by the Horde and offered as sacrifice to Deathwing the black dragon aspect. Khadgar and Alleria rescued Kurdran and Sky’ree. NOTE: Sky’ree can be found alive at Wildhammer Stronghold in Shadowmoon Valley (Outland). |