Medievaldragon: This is a lengthy collection of quests that unfold an epic-storyline … the mysterious revelation concerning the Naaru … and the origin of Light and Shadow – the inevitable cycle of the Naaru from void to light. The storyline … specially D’ore the naaru – repeats the same words of Commander Mograine in Caverns of Time: Old Hillsbrad at the moment of planning Ashbringer … there can be no light without the void. (Read the Origin of Ashbringer to connect both stories). The origin of the Burning Legion’s Voidwalkers is revealed. Oshu’gun the diamond mountain in Nagrand is revealed to be the crash landing site of the Draenei on planet Draenor. Below, You will as well read the revelation of Greatmother Geyah … mother of Durotan. And the visit of Thrall to Outland to seek out his greatmother. Watch the video at the end. Enjoy! A VISIT WITH THE GREATMOTHER Garrosh (Son of Hellscream): The Greatmother has asked that I seek you out and deliver a message. She wishes to speak with you at once. My will has been sapped but make no mistake. If you anger the Greatmother, I will come down upon you with all the force that I can muster. She is in the main hall. QUEST OBJECTIVES Speak to Greatmother Geyah and listen to what she has to tell you. > Hello, Greatmother. Garrosh told me that you wanted to speak with me. Greatmother Geyah: Hello, dear. I am Geyah, matron of the Mag’har. (Greathmother Geyah coughs) If you are here, it would be safe to assume that the portal has opened. Most of the orcs here were too young or too sick to remember the Dark Portal. (Greatmother Geyah points to the orcs around her.) Many of them were orphans or would soon become orphans. Aye, Blackhand would have it no other way. Keep the sick from the healthy. Only the strong would survive … Or so they say. > You raised all of the orcs here, Greatmother? Greatmother Geyah: They have grown up here. We kept them safe from harm. We did the best that we could in nursing them back to health. Many perished but many, many more grew strong. Like Garrosh … (Greathmother Geyah sighs.) He has lost his heart, you know. He tells me that I am his balance. That without me, the blood lust that consumed his father and ultimately cursed our people would take him over. > Do you believe that? (Greatmother Geyah laughs weakly) Greatmother Geyah: Of course not, dear. But it’s not me that has to believe. Garrosh can lead the Mag’har. He is strong and wise. All of the spirits approve of him. He just needs to believe in himself. He fears so much … He fears so deeply that if he lets himself go, his rage will consume him and all that would be near him. > What can be done? I have tried many different things. I have done my best to help the people of Nagrand. Each time I have approached Garrosh, he has dismissed me. Greatmother Geyah: I wish I knew, dear. He will not listen to you nor will he listen to me. In truth, it is why I am still here. It is why I have not left with Mother Kashur. He must find his heart. Our people will not survive through the winter without leadership. > Left? How can you choose to leave? (Greathmother Geyah smiles) Greatmother Geyah: I am old. It is my time. When I pass, my spirit will move on to the spirit realm. It is there that I will stand with my ancestors. It is there that we will watch over our people. When Garad was alive Mother Kashur’s duty was the same as my duty now. > What is this duty? Greatmother Geyah: The duty of a clan mother is to listen. To listen to the wind and the water and the fire and the earth. To gather information for her clan in the way others gather furs to stay warm. It is the spirits that I commune with … In my dreams, Mother Kashur speaks to me like the spirits that spoke to her once … When I pass, I will speak to Draka and Celestine in this manner. (Greatmother Geyah smiles) Is there anything I can do for you, Greatmother? Greatmother Geyah: We must first expand your mind so that you may commune with the ancestors. MATERIAL COMPONENTS Greatmother Geyah: Mother Kashur wishes to speak with you. Before this becomes possible, you must collect the herbs required to create a potion that will expand your mind, allowing you to commune with the spirits. You must gather Olemba root from Terokkar, marshberries from Zangarmarsh, Telaari fronds from Nagrand and dragonspine from the Blade’s Edge mountains. I have written down instructions on this parchment as to the cultivation of these herbs. Return to me when you have gathered the materials. QUEST OBJECTIVES Greatmother Geyah at Garadar in Nagrand has asked that you collect 1 Olemba Root, 1 Marshberry, 1 Telaari Frond, and 1 Dragonspine. GREATMOTHER’S LIST OF HERBS The Olemba root is a fairly common root found in the Terokkar Forest. Search near the Olemba trees that compromise the bulk of Terokkar’s forests for upturned roots. The Marshberry only grows in Zangarmarsh. It can only be found at the Ango’rosh Stronghold, located in the northwestern region of the marsh. Beware the ogres that fervently guard the precious berries. The Telaari Frond is perhaps the most easily attainable of the herbs on this list. South of Garadar in the Talaari Basin, you will find the fronds. They grow near the water. The last herb on the list is unique to the Blade’s Edge mountains. You will find Blade’s Edge north of Zangarmarsh. Dragonspine grows upon the ends of the jagged rock formations that guard the canyons of Blade’s Edge. You will know what I speak of when you first see Blade’s Edge. The rock formations look like row upon row of sharp and pointed teeth. Greatmother Geyah: You are very resourceful. Our greatest gatherers would have taken twice as long to collect the herbs. (Greatmother Geyah mixes the herbs into a potion and then places the tincture to your lips, forcing you to drink.) Do not be afraid. TO MEET MOTHER KASHUR Do not be alarmed by what you might see once the effect has taken hold! These spirits are all around us – always. The potion allows your mind to be able to understand and ultimately see the spirits. You will need to be under its influence if you are to speak with Mother Kashur. You will find her a great ways to the southwest, at the Ancestral Grounds. QUEST OBJECTIVE Greatmother Geyah wants you to speak with Mother Kashur. Mother Kashur: The potion that you drank has no real effect. You can only see a spirit if they allow it. The potion is merely a symbol of your belief and dedication. It was a test and you passed … THE AGITATED ANCESTORS Mother Kashur: Do you see them walking around us? The Ancestral Grounds are normally quiet and undisturbed. As of late, the ancestral spirits have risen and are extremely agitated. Something is causing a great disturbance to the spirits. We must discover what that something could be, but first, we must put the immediate threat to rest. QUEST OBJECTIVES Mother Kashur has asked that you put to rest 15 Agitated Orc Spirits. Mother Kashur: It’s no use. They continue to rise. There must be something more insiduous underway. A VISIT WITH THE ANCESTORS Mother Kashur: I need for you to journey to the villages of the ancestors. Seek each one out and see if the ancestors remain. Visit Sunspring Post to the north, visit the Laughing Skull Ruins far to the north against the mountains, visit Garadar to the northeast, and finally, visit the Bleeding Hollow Ruins on the borders of Nagrand and the Terokkar Forest, to the east. Return to me once you have observed the ancestors in their homes. NOTE: When you ride through the center of those villages you will see a small blueish naaru hologram pop up, and you will see onscreen a message confirming you were successful. The ancestors are no longer in these villages. You can see them all around Nagrand walking through the roads. All of the spirits of Nagrand are marching toward Oshu’gun. You will know why as you keep reading the quests chain. Visit Sunspring Post: 1 / 1 Vision of the Forgotten whispers: They lack control … Oshu’gun calls to them … It is a beacon. A remnant of a forgotten era. Visit Laughing Skull Ruins: 1 / 1 Vision of the Forgotten whispers: Turn back, mortal … This is not your battle. Visit Garadar: 1 / 1 Vision of the Forgotten whispers: We are infinite … eternal. Visit Bleeding Hollow Clan Ruins: 1 / 1 Vision of the Forgotten whispers: You cannot stop them … Mother Kashur: This is very troubling. You say that none of the ancestors were at their villages? That they were all moving south? WHEN SPIRITS SPEAK Mother Kashur: Oshu’gun – the diamond mountain – was once sacred to my people. It was there that the clans would gather every year to celebrate the springtime festival. It was there that our shaman communed with the honored ancestors. It was the center of our culture – until the shadows overtook us. When the clans became a horde, the spirits of Oshu’gun fell silent. The ancestors turned their backs on us. Yet something now draws them from their rest. Venture to Oshu’gun and discover what could trouble the spirits so. QUEST OBJECTIVES Mother Kashur at the Ancestral Grounds in Nagrand has asked that you seek out the vision you had. Find K’ure in Oshu’gun. NOTE: The quest is rather vague, as Oshu’gun is big and there are many ethereals, voidwalkers and other mobs surrounding Oshu’gun mountain. To complete this quest you go to the north side of Oshu’gun. There you will find a doorway that leads to the interior of the mountain to reveal it is not really a diamond mountain … but a naaru technology vessel … it is similar to Tempest Keep and its satellites such as Exodar, Botanica, Arcatraz and Mechanar. Within you will find demons, so don’t get in unless you have a companion player or else you will be running for your life or end up dead. There are doomguards. When you go deep into Oshu’gun’s interior you will find the final chamber—a 6-armed demoness named Subjugator Vaz’shir is holding prisoner K’ure (a naaru entity). 4 Kil’sorrow Ritualists are channeling through Subjugator Vaz’shir who in turn channels the ritual magic toward K’ure. WHEN SPIRITS SPEAK (Part 2) (A gentle, melodic voice fills your mind.) K’ure: I am K’ure of the naaru. You stand within the heart of my ancient vessel. Oshu’gun, as the orcs named it, is the ship that first brought the draenei to this world. Though we fell from the heavens and crashed here many hundreds of years ago, my weakened energies have remained trapped within this wreckage. Regrettably, I am the source of the orc spirits’ pain. A SECRET REVEALED K’ure: As my energies bled away over the centuries, a void slowly grew in my place – devouring the souls of those nearby. Helplessly, I watched as generations of orc souls were drawn into the vortex. Recently, my enemies harnessed the vortex and used it to draw countless void minions into their Burning Legion. Now, the key to ending this cycle and freeing the orc spirits lies with another naaru – A’dal. I have sensed his essence within the ancient city of Shattrath in the Terokkar Forest. QUEST OBJECTIVES Speak with A’dal in Shattrath City. (A soothing light fills you as you approach the naaru A’dal. Slow musical chimes echo within your mind and, though a word is not uttered, you feel an assurance of safety. You are welcome in Shattrath City.) A’dal: K’ure was wise to send you here. While we cannot assist you with the suffering of the orc ancestors, there is one that can. One that is soon to be reborn of Light … AUCHINDOUN … A’dal: Deep within the Auchenai Crypts is a tomb: A tomb unlike any that exists on this shattered realm. It was from this tomb, the first tomb, that the vast mausoleum of Auchindoun was born. You must venture to the Auchenai Crypts of Auchindoun and find this tomb. Slay the guardian of the crypt to release the captive spirit within. The spirit holds the key … QUEST OBJECTIVES Travel to the Auchenai Crypts in the Bone Wastes of Terokkar Forest and slay Exarch Maladaar to free the spirit of D’ore. NOTE: After killing Exarch Maladaar, D’ore—a naaru—shows up. Talk to him. (A cool breeze caresses your face. Gentle, melodic humming resonates throughout the chamber.) D’ore: The memory is vivid. My energies were wholly drained from the crash. I was only a dim speck of void energies when the Prophet Velen and his draenei compatriots lifted my remains and brought them here. After much ceremony, my diminished form was laid to rest within this sarcophagus. I have been regenerating for nearly a thousand years. The cycle is almost complete … WHAT THE SOUL SEES D’ore: For several centuries, the spirits of Auchindoun coalesced into my darkened essence. Many of the catastrophes that befell this crypt were a direct result of my weakened state. Regrettably, there is nothing that can be done to stop this cycle. It is a facet of the naaru condition – without the void, the Light cannot exist. Your only recourse is to destroy the ancient spirits of Nagrand before they transform into creatures of the void. Use the soul mirrors found throughout this crypt to free them… QUEST OBJECTIVES Locate a Soul Mirror somewhere in the Auchenai Crypts and use it to call forth a Darkened Spirit from Ancient Orc Ancestors in Nagrand. Destroy 15 Darkened Spirits so that the ancestors may rest in peace. Return to Mother Kashur at the Ancestral Grounds when this task is complete. QUEST ITEM Soul Mirror – Use: Exposes the reflection of an ancient orc ancestor, causing a soul spirit. Beware the darkened spirit … ” Used by the Auchenai priesthood to commune with spirits”. NOTE: You can use the Soul Mirror on spirits that walk through the roads of Nagrand and some are found at the villages you visited before. The best concentration of spirits are found at the north side of Oshu’gun. All the spirits are walking toward the doorway of Oshu’gun—drawn to the void of K’ure. (Mother Kashur is visibly upset.) Mother Kashur: These naaru are wise beyond all manner of life on this world. You have completed a long and dangerous journey, risking life and limb to ensure the safety of the Mag’har and the serenity of our ancestors. For this I am thankful beyond what words could convey. RETURN TO THE GREATMOTHER Mother Kashur: Return to Greatmother Geyah at Garadar with news of your victory. This will surely lift the spirits of the Mag’har. Perhaps even the young Hellscream will be lifted from his malaise. QUEST OBJECTIVE Return to Garadar and speak to Greatmother Geyah. Greatmother Geyah: I want you to personally deliver this news to Garrosh. THE INCONSOLABLE CHIEFTAIN Greatmother Geyah: You have done so much for the Mag’har. Your accomplishments are known to all including Garrosh. Go to him now and tell him of your latest victory. Tell him that you do what you do for him and his people. Surely he will be lifted by your words. QUEST OBJECTIVES Greatmother Geyah at Garadar has asked that you speak with Garrosh. Garrosh: Everyone is proud. Proud that our people will live to see another winter. But beyond that? What is there? Maybe you should lead this clan. Maybe then I will be allowed to die when the Greatmother passes. Allowed to finally erase the shame of my family name. I long for such peace. THERE IS NO HOPE Garrosh: You are an honorable undead. You have done much for the Mag’har. No one could ever deny your service to my people. Alas, the time of the Mag’har is at an end. You have shown me, more than anything that I am unfit to lead these people. My cursed blood runs too deep. I will not … I cannot become the second Hellscream to damn my the orcs. Please, return to the Greatmother and tell her what I have told you. I am too ashamed to see her … to look into her eyes. QUEST OBJECTIVES Speak to Greatmother Geyah and tell her what Garrosh told you. Greatmother Geyah: What did Garrosh told you? > Garrosh is beyond redemption, Greatmother. I fear that in helping the Mag’har, I have convinced Garrosh that he is unfit to lead. (Greatmother Geyah nods, accepting your answer.) |
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Greatmother Geyah: I can no longer fight the spirits. My time has long since passed. Once again, I must thank you for all that you have done. While Garrosh may be unmovable, many of my people have been lifted by your accomplishments. They are now willing to fight for our rights as a united clan. > I have done all that I could, Greatmother. I thank you for your kind words. (Greatmother Geyah smiles at you.) Greatmother Geyah: You remind me of my son. He was an immovable mountain: A pillar of strength and honor. (Geyah’s eyes well up with tears.) He sacrificed himself so that we could survive. So that generations of orcs after him could be born into a world without the blood curse … Without Guldan and his dark Horde … (Geyah stares into the distance, lost in thought.) Oh Durotan, how I wish you could be here. Your people so desperately need you … > Greatmother, you are the mother of Durotan? (Greatmother Geyah nods.) Greatmother Geyah: Did you know my son? > Greatmother, I never had the honor. Durotan died long before my time, but his heroics are known to all on my world. The orcs of Azeroth reside in a place known as Durotar, named after your son. And … (You take a moment to breathe and think through what you are about to tell the Greatmother.) (Greatmother Geyah’s violet eyes lock onto yours.) Greatmother Geyah: Yes … > It is my Warchief, Greatmother. The leader of my people. From my world. He … He is the son of Durotan. He is your grandchild. (Tears stream down Greatmother Geyah’s face.) Greatmother Geyah: I … I … Durotan survived to have a child? The child of Draka told me of before they left … It was their greatest fear … To raise a child in this world. On the other side of that gate was their only hope. I dared not tell Durotan, but secretly, I begged the spirits to watch over them – to protect their child and to give them strength. I … I must see my grandchild. I must see him. Please, I am too weak. You must tell him. Before I leave this world … > I will return to Azeroth at once, Greatmother. (Tears stream down Greatmother Geyah’s face.) Greatmother Geyah: Seek out your Warchief. Tell him that I await him here … THRALL, SON OF DUROTAN Greatmother Geyah: Return to your world. Go to my grandchild and tell him that his blood is here – on this shattered world. Tell him that his father’s legacy lives on. Tell him everything … QUEST OBJECTIVES Venture to Orgrimmar and deliver Geyah’s message to Thrall. NOTE: You return to Orgrimmar and go to the Grommash Hold to talk to Thrall. (Thrall’s voice takes on the hollow essence of a storm cloud.) Thrall: I … I have a grandmother? She lives? HERO OF THE MAG’HAR Thrall: I must set things in order before I leave. Return to the Greatmother and tell her that her grandson comes. QUEST OBJECTIVES Return to Greatmother Geyah at Garadar in Nagrand. Greatmother Geyah: You are truly the hero of the Mag’har. If not for you, we would have surely been overrun by the ogres and Broken. We are a poor people but we do have some artifacts of power. Please, I insist that you take from our coffer. NOTE: When you talk to Greatmother Geyah, you will see many of Thrall’s Kor’kron elite guards aligned in two rows of wolfriders at the entrance of Garadar. Thrall will appear by Garrosh, and will start walking uphill toward the Main Hall. There Thrall kneels down in front of Greatmother Geyah, and sits. Thrall will stay there for a few hours talking to her. The Horde gets buffed. You will see thunderbolts spreading and jumping from player to player throughout Nagrand. After reading the epic story shared above … you may now clean up the drool. Thanks, Metzen / Blizzard. FOR THE HORDE! Can’t get enough kick for your lore craving? Read Warcraft RPG: Shadow & Light and recent World of Warcraft RPG Books (by White Wolf Publishing licensed by Blizzard Entertainment). And read World of Warcraft: Rise of the Horde – a book written by Christie Golden, author of Warcraft: Lord of the Clans – containing the story of the Draenei as they departed planet Argus … their arrival to the red orb known later as Draenor. The early story of the Horde as Kil’jaeden contacts Ner’zhul, later recruits Gul’dan. The book has Horde characters such as Durotan, Orgrim Doomhammer and others – before they arrived to Azeroth. |