Nazgrel: As you know, the warchief put his power behind this expedition for one reason. This is the world we came from. This is where our roots lie.

This journey means different things to orcs and blood elves. To them it’s a search for the promised land. To us it’s more like returning home.

Whoever made this axe is familiar with the old ways and we must contact them. This is too important for us to use ordinary tracking methods. Show the weapon to Far Seer Regulkut: she will know what to do.

Quest Objectives

Bring the Heavy Stone Axe to Far Seer Regulkut at Thrallmar in Hellfire Peninsula.


Far Seer Regulkut (Eyes of the Warchief): Well met. Your arrival in Thrallmar could not have occurred at a better time. The warchief is depending on us, since he cannot be here himself.

Tell me what you seek, so that I may help you find it.

I understand Nazgrel’s request priest. Say no more.


Far Seer Regulkut (Eyes of the Warchief): Even our best tracking wolves’ senses can fail. The being you will call forth will find the person you seek, for they’ll be drawn not to their scent but their essence.

Quest Objectives

Use the Wolf Totem at the location where you found Krun Spinebreaker’s body and follow the Ancestral Spirit Wolf.


Gorkan Bloodfist: You are lucky to be alive. Who are you to walk in here unannounced? I ordered my men to stay their hand only because Ryga sensed that the spirits were with you.

Speak freely, but choose your words wisely. We rarely trust strangers this close to the Citadel.


Gorkan Bloodfist: This news you bring from beyond the Dark Portal … you want us to believe the son of Durotan now rules over the lands beyond it … free from any demonic taint? And that now his people have returned to this world? I hope for your sake that this isn’t some manner of joke. What this means to my people … cannot be described. I must send word to Nagrand at once! Hellscream must hear about this.

Take this letter back to your leader in Thrallmar. Tell him the Mag’har welcome them!

Quest Objectives

Deliver the Letter from the Mag’har to Nazgrel at Thrallmar in Hellfire Peninsula.

THE MAG’HAR (Part 2)

Nazgrel: What do you bring us?

You’re certain of this? True orcs … here in Hellfire! This is big news.

We must inform the warchief at once.


Nazgrel: The Warchief has been waiting for word of this ever since we set foot on Outland. Now you get the honor of giving him the news of the Mag’har yourself.

Go quickly. Take this letter with you: it bears my personal seal. There is nothing that Thrall wants to hear more than the message you bear.

Quest Objectives

Travel to Orgrimmar and give Thrall the Letter from Nazgrel.


Thrall: You bring news from Outland? Speak at once!

(You watch Thrall’s jaw slacken as he begins to read the message from Nazgrel)

My people … we must reach them. We must reach Nagrand as soon as possible!

My people have survived in Outland … Unnoticed for years … Uncorrupted!

Eitrigg: Thrall! My lord … are you all right?

Thrall: I’ll be fine, Eitrigg. We must begin preparations … I need to go to Outland at once!

Eitrigg: With all due respect, Warchief. Our enemies would take advantage of your sudden absence if we don’t prepare properly.

Thrall: You are right, Eitrigg. The timing is unfavorable. Make sure our best ambassadors are sent as envoys to Hellscream.

Eitrigg: At once, sir! For the Horde!

Thrall: If he’s anything like his father, allying with the Mag’har will mark the dawn of a new age for the Horde.


Thrall: I’d leave for Outland this very minute after hearing the news you brought. Important matters require my attention in Durotar, however.

I will arrange for a fitting tribute to be sent to the Mag’har immediately. I will send my most trusted diplomats as well. This will all take time … I need someone to represent us there right now.

I must place my trust on you. Go to the Mag’har Post in Hellfire and render whatever services you can to my kin. Do not fail me. Too much depends on this.

Quest Objectives

Thrall wants you to return to Gorkan Bloodfist at Mag’har Post in Hellfire Peninsula and offer him your services.


Gorkan Bloodfist: It means very much to us that you come to aid us in our time of need. We’ll not easily forget you nor he who sends you.

You have our thanks.

NOTE: Investigating in Nagrand, you may find the uncorrupted orcs at Garadar. Make sure to get the flight point. There you will find Jorin Deadeye and Garrosh (Son of Hellscream). At the time of this article I am level 61. The quests are silver and unaccessible. We will update when more lore is revealed. Although unconfirmed at this time, I think Thrall has family here. There is a orc female named Matron Drakia. Thrall’s mother was named Drakka. Besides Matron Drakia is a woman named Greatmother Geyah. Remember this is unconfirmed.