The way to the third boss has the most trash mob pulls at the Cave of Mam’toth. You will find groups of four Drakkari Trolls: Drakkari Lancer, Drakkari Fire Weaver, Drakkari Medicine Man and Drakkari God Hunter. There are single pulls of the bigger version of Trolls on steroids named Drakkari Earthshaker.

At the end of the cave you will find the third boss Moorabi the Prophet of Mam’toth. Make sure to clear the chamber killing any mobs before engaging the boss.

Moorabi will transform into a huge mammoth at 75% health. He will cast an AOE debuff named Numbing Roar (Spell casting speed reduced by 50%). It lasts 5 seconds.

Once he dies, click the altar. A bean of fire will burn a mammoth head statue hanging from the ceiling of the Pool of Twisted Reflections chamber across the Cave of Mam’toth’s terrace. It will fall to fill the hole on the bridge platform. It will rotate and now with all there statues in place the bridge is finally giving access to the last boss.  You can either jump from the somewhere in the cave of Mam’toth or walk back to where you killed the second boss’ altar (Drakkari Colossus). You will find the stairs to the bridge there.  If you decide to jump off the cave into the water, there are Frenzy piranhas. So don’t swim alone without the team backing you up.


Drakkari Colossus