Bug Off!

Bixy Buzzsaw: This cave is crawlin’ with nasty shale spiders! How’s a girl supposed to get any work done with them gobbling up the miners AND the ore?!

This seemed like a good opportunity to use my newest invention, Bug Off. See, all you have to do is spray this stuff all over the shale spiders. They hate it and it doesn’t seem to have many long term side-effects for the miners?

What could possibly go wrong?

Take this handy sprayer and get to work!


Spray 5 Agitated Shale Spiders with the Bug Off Sprayer and eradicate 12 Shale Shards.


Bixy Buzzsaw: Now that’s what I like to hear! I bet those spiders will think twice before messing with a Bilgewater operation again!


Work Order: Iron

Boss-Lady Trixel: When they said they found some amazing rocks in that mine I envisioned diamonds. Everyone knows all mines have diamonds, silly! At the very least rubies!

Instead, all I got was this strange iron! What am I supposed to do with this?

Oh well, no one said this job would be glamorous. I just do what I can to add a little class.

We just got another work order for Iron. Go see Daxil down near the Deep Crawl Mine and get it filled pronto!


Find Daxil “The Gem” Oregrind near the Deep Crawl Mine.


Daxil “The Gem” Oregrind: Is she still complaining about diamonds and rubies? We found something better than diamonds down here!

This ore is special. It has power!


Power Metal

(Daxil narrows her eyes and speaks in a hushed tone.)

Daxil “The Gem” Oregrind: Sometimes we dig too deep, (class). Sometimes, we uncover something so horrible we wish we hadn’t started diggin’ …

Just kidding! I mean, don’t get me wrong, we did find something unexpected. The ore we’re finding down there is not your average run-of-the-mill iron.

There is just one problem: Shale Spiders! We’re struggling to keep these orders filled.

Maybe you can lend us a hand?


Obtain 7 chunks of Energized Ore from Oregrind’s Dig.


Boss-Lady Trixel: Did you happen to find anything sparkly while you were down there?


Boss-Lady Trixel: Did they manage to find anything useful down there? Maybe an emerald or an opal? Is it too much to ask for a little bit of effort?

Nevermind! I’ll make sure this shipment gets where it’s goin’.