Richard A. Knaak will be signing books at some bookstores in Kansas and Missouri through September 25-27.  Those fans of the Diablo pocket books are welcome to bring their copies for signing and to say hi to Richard. Check out the schedule and maps below:

Friday, September 25

Borders Bookstore (Map)
5201 N Belt Hwy
St Joseph, MO 64506

(816) 279-6111

Saturday, September 26

Barnes & Noble (Map)
Oak Park Mall,
11323 W 95th Street,
Overland Park, KS‎

(913) 492-8187

Sunday, September 27

Borders Bookstore (Map)
700 New Hampshire St
Lawrence, KS 66044

(785) 331-3226

LEGENDS OF THE DRAGONREALM is not only now out, but is already in a 2ND PRINTING!  First copies of the second printing were spotted only three days after it was released!  Thank you to all those who have told me that they have already picked it up.  There are some great offers out there on Amazon, Borders, Books-A-Million, and others and Borders now often has terrific coupons in the stores themselves.  The omnibus is also available as an ebook for even less!

If you are interested in personalized copies, yes, we are now selling those!  The price for those in the US, including shipping and handling is $21.  Either go to and pay the account or mail a check made out to me for the amount to:  5508 Lanshire Dr., Rogers, AR 72758

I am also accepting worldwide orders on LEGENDS OF THE DRAGONREALM!  Simply email me your country and I will let you know the full charges.

WARCRAFT!  STORMRAGE will be released end of February.  Check out the manga anthology WARCRAFT LEGENDS, VOL. 5 for a story tied to the novel, plus an excerpt!  Pocket Book also has another excerpt.  Check out their website for details.

THE WARCRAFT MANGA SERIES IS NOW A NY TIMES BESTSELLER!  Building on the success of the Sunwell Trilogy and the first volumes, the series sees continued success!

SIGNINGS!  For those in the KC area, I will be at the Borders in St. Joseph, MO this Friday—- the 25th—- at 6 pm.  I will be at the B&N in Overland Park, KS on Saturday the 26th at 1 pm and at the Borders in Lawrence, KS at 2 pm on Sunday!

That’s it for now!


Richard A. Knaak