Blizzard Entertainment deployed build 34137 to the Shadowlands Alpha servers with a 2.5GB file size.
This build introduced the Shadowlands map.
Note: In order to access Revendreth, Alpha testers must create a brand-new character. When you create a premade character it is now bumped to level 57 instead of 50.
The Oribos map within the Shadowlands map is still not interactive in this build, and The Maw is missing a proper map other than the satellite view.
A new NPC named Dactylis has been added to the wester-wing of Elysian Hold in Bastion. When you click him, an Ascension Crafting window opens. At the moment he only offers one crafting option:
Soul Mirror. It has no description at the moment. The reagents: Soul Mirror Shard x 5 (The Forsworn collect these shards in an attempt to recapture their past memories.)
There is a strange object in Elysian Hold that is not interactive in this build, but looks like a potential access point for a UI window.
This pyramid thingamajig might possibly be how we teleport between Bastion and other locations such as Oribos. It is not interactive at the moment, but that blue pad at the top is the same design as some transportation pads in Hero’s Rest (Bastion).
The Sanctum of Binding is in the lower tier in the northern area of Elysian Hold. Soulguide Daelia is channeling on another strange non-interactive contraption. That and the name of this specific location tells me this might be the UI for something that enhances either our gear or our character — in a similar fashion as Artifacts (Legion) or the Heart of Azeroth (Battle for Azeroth). We’ll have to wait for a future build to find out.
I can tell this area is important because in front of her by the wall you can find the Kyrian Quartermaster — who is not interactive either.
All Shadowlands factions are also missing in the Reputations tab.
The currency tab is missing in the Character window.
There is a new premade character level 57 tab for those who wish to test the new Shadowlands zone: Revendreth.
Server is unstable at the moment, disconnecting players quite often, but you can complete quests there.
I added a 3:30 hours Revendreth Exploration video and 153 screenshots.
I will update this page as I find new content in this build. Follow @blizzplanetcom on Twitter for updates.
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