Blizzard Entertainment revealed three new Heroics based on the classic Scarlet Monastery and Scholomance dungeons will be available in the upcoming World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria expansion.
Each dungeon has new bosses, and a new story to tackle at level 90. This video shows a few glimpses of locations and bosses within these dungeons. The music theme seems to suggest these new dungeons are pretty tough.
If they are truly keeping the original music for SM, I will be incredibly happy.
Well, the same applies to Scholo. I hope they are not busts, the two have always been my favorite dungeons.
Actually, when I heard the music theme of Scarlet Monastery, what I immediately thought was — darn, they are showing off this place as a deadly heroic dungeon.
TBH I really would have liked a new concept but we’ll see how it goes. They were dungeons I liked so I may like them revamped.