the-tillers-the-untamed-valley-wowx4-artwork-164-fullEarlier, past midnight, Micky Neilson tweeted a link to the latest Faction story focused on The Tillers.

The short story is set post-Siege of Orgrimmar and bridges the gap prior to the upcoming World of Warcraft: War Crimes.

Garrosh has been taken to Pandaria for a trial. The trial hasn’t started yet.

The Untamed Valley by Blizzard writer Robert Brooks features Vindicator Maraad and Sentinel Commander Lyalia taking a Kor’kron prisoner to Halfhill.

The mysterious orc is bound with Shado-pan manacles. The Garrosh loyalist isn’t too happy with his defeat and killed Pandaren, Horde and Alliance alike in Kun-Lai. Maraad and Lyalia plan to take him to Lion’s Landing in Krasarang Wilds.

Maraad mentions Velen is in Pandaria. He is preparing for the upcoming trial.

This story is not exactly about farming. There is some depth here. The Tillers are no Shado-Pan. They are no martial art warriors either. They aren’t casters. All they have is their tools, the land and their community. Their farming tools aren’t all they have, though. They have wisdom and wits.

world-of-warcraft-war-crimes-coverRobert Brooks pits the Tillers into a situation that shows how the Tillers can defend their land against the direst odds.

We also learn the true power of Carrots.

According to Robert Brooks in Twitter there will be another Pandaria story by Matt Burns as a follow up to what happened to the Jade Forest. We will learn of the Temple of the White Tiger post-Siege of Orgrimmar in Christie Golden’s novel War Crimes, too.

It seems something big happened there. It was slightly hinted in The Untamed Valley short story.

Pre-order World of Warcraft: War Crimes by Christie Golden.