Burning Crusade: OutlandThe scattered wastes of Outland are all that remain of Draenor, the once beautiful homeworld of the orcs. Following the Second War, the Alliance invaded Draenor by crossing through the Dark Portal. To their horror, they discovered that Ner’zhul – the dark warlord of the Horde – had constructed a series of new gateways that could lead the beaten Horde to newer, unspoiled worlds. As the Alliance forces closed in around him, Ner’zhul opened his gateways as a means of escape. However, the gateways’ clashing energies resulted in a catastrophic explosion that ultimately ripped the world of Draenor apart. Nearly fifteen years later – towards the end of the Third War – the fallen night elf, Illidan, discovered that huge chunks of Draenor still existed – floating upon the astral winds of the Twisting Nether. After his defeat at the hands of the evil Prince Arthas, Illidan fled to the remnants of Draenor and dubbed them Outland. He quickly seized control of the chaotic region and sealed the last of Ner’zhul’s cursed gateways. Though he is the undisputed ruler of the ravaged land, Illidan lives in fear that he will be discovered by his powerful enemies – most notably Arthas, the new Lich King, and the remaining Lords of the Burning Legion. Currently, Outland is home to a number of scattered draenei tribes, primitive orcs and the powerful, arcane creatures of the Nether itself. Agents of the Burning Legion have also targeted the region as a vital strategic location in their unending Burning Crusade to scour all life from the universe. Though tensions have risen, between the Alliance and the Horde, the true enemy of the world, lies unseen ? Beyond the Dark Portal, lies a universe of unending conflict. The shattered realm of Outland has become a battlefield for a dark, and murderous crusade. The Burning Legion has returned to claim vengeance. With a host of new, terrifying warriors, such as the Wrath Guard, Fel Reaver, the Shivon and Warp Stalkers. While Outland’s native denizens, Ethereals, Nether Dragons, Nauwoul and Grahn rally countless others to war. Source: Official Burning Crusade Site |
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Hellfire CitadelOn the blasted world of Outland, within the heart of Hellfire Peninsula stands Hellfire Citadel, a nearly impenetrable bastion that served as Until recently. Though much of Draenor was shattered by the reckless Ner’zhul, the Hellfire Citadel remains intact? inhabited now by marauding bands of red, furious fel orcs. Though the presence of this new, savage breed presents something of a mystery, what’s far more disconcerting is that the numbers of these fel orcs seem to be growing. Despite Thrall and Grom Hellscream’s successful bid to end the Horde’s corruption by slaying Mannoroth, reports indicate that the barbaric orcs of Hellfire Citadel have somehow managed to find a new source of corruption to fuel their primitive bloodlust. Whatever authority these orcs answer to is unknown, although it is a strongly held belief that they are not working for the Burning Legion. Perhaps the most unsettling news to come from Outland are the accounts of thunderous, savage cries issuing from somewhere deep beneath the citadel. Many have begun to wonder if these unearthly outbursts are somehow connected to the corrupted fel orcs and their growing numbers. Unfortunately those questions will have to remain unanswered. At least for now. Hellfire Citadel, a five-person dungeon located in Outland on Hellfire Peninsula, is one of the first new dungeons that players will encounter in World of Warcraft’s upcoming expansion, The Burning Crusade. A challenge for any player seeking adventure and fortune in the low level-60 range, this new dungeon will include:
RUMOR: One of the three dungeon wings is sorta like Onyxia-lair-type. Although not confirmed, the fan-made rumor is that the mysterious source of magic fueling the Fel Orcs of Hellfire Citadel might be Magtheridon the pitlord. Illidan defeated Magtheridon, but did not kill him—as some fans wrongly think. Draenor: The Second War
Khadgar (Mage), Turalyon (Paladin), Danath (mercenary Warrior), Alleria (Elven Ranger) and Kurdran (Gryphon Rider – Wildhammer dwarf)—as part of the Expeditionary Force of the Alliance—followed the Horde to Draenor through the Dark Portal. The Alliance was able to defeat the Orcish clans in Draenor. Ner’zhul fled away with his remaining forces, and decided to open many rifts as a form of escape. The rifts led to other worlds. However, the fabric of reality around Draenor was jeopardized with so many gateways open at once. The world of Draenor started to collapse under tremors, storms and earthquakes. The Expeditionary Force recovered the Book of Medivh and the Skull of Gul’dan with help of the Laughing Skull Clan. With both artifacts, Khadgar was able to shut down the Dark Portal to make sure the backlash of the explosion tearing Draenor apart wouldn’t harm the world of Azeroth, thus sacrificing their only way to return home. Deathwing flew above past the Expeditionary Forces into the Dark Portal, while Grom Hellscream and Korgath Bladefist managed separately to jump through the Dark Portal before it was sealed by Khadgar. With the Dark Portal closed, and Draenor about to collapse, Khadgar signaled the Expeditionary force to follow him through one of the rifts that Ner’zhul had opened. (Read the final cinematic dialogue of Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal and screenshots) Outland
Illidan, Kael’Thas and Lady Vashj brought their Naga and Blood Elf forces to Outland. Illidan closed down the rifts opened over 15 years ago by Ner’zhul, to stop any demons from assisting Outland forces. With Outland disconnected from the Burning Legion, Illidan’s forces deposed Magtheridon at the Black Citadel. Illidan became new master of Outland. ( Read the Human Campaign of Warcraft III: Frozen Throne for Outland lore ) In World of Warcraft, Horde and Alliance players will be able to get access to Outland. In patch 1.11, Blizzard Entertainment will release the 40-players raid instance Naxxramas Necropolis, located within Stratholme. The last time the Spellbook of Medivh was seen, Kel’Thuzad used the book in Dalaran to open a gateway to allow Archimonde the demonlord entry into Azeroth. Naxxramas Necropolis instance will be the hardest instance in World of Warcraft until the release of the Burning Crusade Expansion. However, the showdown with Kel’Thuzad in Naxxramas will offer a rare drop—to our knowledge—one per server realm: The book of Medivh. A Warlock will be able to perform a spell ritual with other Warlocks to open the Dark Portal in Blastedlands. Once done, all players in the server realm—owning a copy of World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade Expansion—will be able to enter Outland. There might be other requirements to open the Dark Portal—if true, nothing has been announced officially. Facts and Unofficial Rumors
According to Warcraft RPG: Manual of Monsters, this is what the Warcraft III: Frozen Throne unit: Spirit of Vengeance is:
Rumor# 2: If something else was needed to open the Dark Portal – it might be the Scythe of Elune, possible item in the hands of the Dark Riders of Kharazhan. Rumor# 3: Although the identity of the Dark Riders and its leader is still unknown, rumors of fans is that Teron Gorefiend is the leader of the Dark Riders at the Tower of Kharazhan. And that the Dark Riders might be in reference to the Death Knights of Gul’dan—formerly Azeroth Paladin corpses raised by Gul’dan with necromantic magic as new physical vessel for the spirits of the Shadow Council orcs assassinated by orders of Warchief Orgrim Doomhammer. This is simply a rumor. Time will tell. Outland: LocationsAmong the various locations of Outland are the following:
Green Havens is located in Outland and – according to Warcraft RPG: Shadow and Light – was rejuvenated by druids of Azeroth. It is unknown if the druids who created Green Havens are the Watcher forces’ druids that accompanied Jailor Maiev Shadowsong to Outland, now stranded with no way back home. ( Warcraft III: Frozen Throne Reference ). The Fortress of Auchindoun – stronghold of the Bleeding Hollow Clan – was raided by Turalyon and Danath supported by the Expeditionary Force of the Alliance in Draenor during Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal. The instance of Auchindon, located within the Bone Wastes, is aimed to players level 65-70.
Nagrand is a series of barren cliffs with palm-trees only reachable with an Outland flying mount, which indicates it is in a separate chunk or asteroid floating in the Twisting Nether. These mounts may be obtainable through a costly quest at lvl 70. Hellfire Peninsula is a PvP Contested Area. Once Horde and Alliance players set foot in this area, you become PvP flagged. Sorta like when you enter the Gurubashi arena in Stranglethorn Vale. Outland will have a Battlegrounds at the Hellfire Peninsula—however, this Battleground will be accessible through Caverns of Time. This is where Khadgar and the heroes fought during the Second War against the Bonechewer Clan, Thunderlord Clan, Bleeding Hollow Clan and the Laughing Skull Clan. The Dark Portal of Draenor that led to Azeroth was located here at the Hellfire Peninsula. Illidan reigns Outland from the Black Citadel. The instance is aimed as a 40-players raid dungeon (level 70). The Warcraft RPG: Shadow and Light says that some Alliance and Orc heroes of past wars may be found in a prison beneath the Black Citadel. Zangor Marsh will have an instance aimed to players level 62-66 where you will battle Lady Vashj, the leader of the Naga Forces serving Illidan. Chris Metzen – Creative Director of Warcraft Lore – said at BlizzCon 2005 that the heroes: Khadgar, Turalyon, Kurdran, Alleria, and Danath are still alive and kicking, which is confirmed in the last cinematics of Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal. The Warcraft RPG: Shadow and Light also comments about Humans and otherworlders fighting together as allies against the Burning Crusade. This ignites rumors that Khadgar and the Heroes have allied with forces of other worlds in an intergalactic armaggedon against the Burning Legion. Developers have said that we will at one point be able to open the rifts of Ner’zhul that were shut down by Illidan in Warcraft III: Frozen Throne
In Warcraft RPG: Shadow and Light, the Burning Crusade was referred to as: “A great war rages beyond the ken of normal mortals. The universe houses innumerable worlds, and the Burning Legion currently invades a handful of them. Most mortals are blind to this secret conflict, but the wisest and strongest know of it ? and some are heroes and leaders in this war. Champions from Azeroth and many other worlds battle Tempest Keep – located within the Netherstorm – is one of the Outland dungeons to be available in World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade—containing three 5-players wings: The Atrium, the Arcane Prison and the Factory; and a 40-players raid dungeon where players will encounter Prince Kael’Thas Sunstrider as main boss – lvl 70:
Is Magtheridons Lair a one boss mob instance with trash like ony? What would be the level requirement? 40man?
Pre-Outland images: Both maps from Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal show how Draenor looked like before the explosion that tore apart the planet Magtheridon the Pitlord Outland Map: Present Tempest Keep Wings Tempest Keep: The Factory Nagrand |
External Sources:
Sources Gathered by Medievaldragon, Atomic_Piggy and Barrioth