Mobile: World of Warcraft Companion App
Moderator: And so we are talking about World Quests. We are talking about the Order Halls. I know we have got something else that we want to talk about. Let’s kinda go along those lines. We have actually got ourselves a little announcement here, today. Cory, you want to do the honors?
Stockton: I do. We are super super hyped because we have been talking about this feature for a long time. Something we really wanted to add to World of Warcraft, and it feels awesome to be able to do it here at PAX West with some of our best fans. With some of this stuff we have been talking about — these missions, looking over the world to find World Quests, wouldn’t it be awesome if you had some sort of App on your phone where you can access this stuff, and then work directly with your World of Warcraft account.
So we are super hyped to announce that we have a World of Warcraft Companion App. It’s going to be coming out really really really soon… in fact, Tuesday! So just in a few days.
Stockton: This is something that we have obviously talked about in the Team for a long time, all this App Phones, and it feels like it is just a natural extension of some of the features in this expansion. You are going to be able to do missions from your phone, run the missions, complete them, get loot, and when you login into the game that loot is right there waiting for you, and you can run new missions, and continue to do that.
Something like World Quests, you will be able to open up a map, and you can zoom in and out all across the Broken Isles and see where World Quests are, what the loot is, when they are going to expire, and kinda plan for what you want to do. You can sort the loot by the different types: there might be a mount, there might be a pet, so you will know where it is. You can log into the game, and go there directly.
We have actually got a video here that kinda explains few of the features. So let’s roll it.
World of Warcraft Companion
Narrator: Welcome to the World of Warcraft Feature Overview for the Legion Companion App for your mobile device.
In this video, we will go over how the Legion Companion App will help you keep up all of your characters’ Order Hall and World Quests, even if you are not at your computer. You can use the App to manage several features on your Order Hall. Tapping the Research icon (at the bottom-right) will allow you to upgrade your Order Hall, or change upgrades you have previously selected.
The following section, allows you to look through your Champions recruited to your cause, and manage their equipment. You can also train new troops to send on missions in your Recruit section tab. When you tap the Missions icon, you will be presented with a list of all the missions your character currently has available.
So at the end of the mission, it will allow you to see more details on the rewards. Assign new champions to it, and when you are ready, start. You can checkout on missions while they are in progress, and when you are done, you can complete them right from the App.
The next time you log into World of Warcraft, all of the rewards you earned will be waiting in your character’s inventory.
Once you reach level 110 in Legion, you will be given a quest to unlock World Quests. These are a new type of dynamic outdoor quest content — which you can browse in-game by opening your map. When you open the Legion Companion App, you will see a similar map of the Broken Isles. If your character has unlocked World Quests, you will be able to zoom in on this map to see all of the World Quests that are available. You can tap on the quests to see its rewards, or tap the Search icon (in the Upper-left) to filter what kind of World Quests you would like to see.
You will still need to log into World of Wwarcraft to do those quests, but this will allow you to keep track of what is active. Thanks for watching, and we will see you on the Broken Isles.
Stockton: The Legion Companion App will be available on the App Store on Tuesday (September 6, 2016) for iOS and Android, and we are super hyped for you guys to download it and get a chance to try it out.
Moderator: Awesome!
(Audience guy: Thank you!)
(Everyone laughs)
Stockton: You are welcome!
(Audience guy: How much does it cost?)
Stockton: It’s free!
(Crowd cheers)
Stockton: Assuming you have a World of Warcraft subscription, obviously. Only if you play WoW, would you have access to the App.
Panel Pages | Intro | Story | Demon Hunter | Artifacts | Class Halls |
World Quests | Mobile App | Karazhan | New Raid | Suramar Update | |
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