Season 3, Ep. 2: When We Go
1 — The morning arrives. In the Gas Station (Tom’s Bar), Jade and Victor didn’t sleep. The goats and sheep continue to bleat. Their hooves clopped the wooden floor all night.
Jade stands up and heads toward the door. Victor asks Jade not to go. Jade responds someone has to go and see.
2 — In the barn, Boyd is exhausted and traumatized. His head and body bend toward the ground in a kneeling position as his hands are cuffed behind him to the barn pillar.
Boyd continues to repeat Tian Chen’s last words over and over until the morning. Making sure he remembers those Cantonese words.
Jade opens the barn door and finds Tian Chen’s mangled corpse.

3 — Jade runs to Boyd and asks where the cuff’s keys are. Boyd responds they are in his pocket. The monsters left the key on his jacket’s front left pocket. Boyd continues to recite the Cantonese words over and over.
As soon as Jade releases Boyd from his cuffs, he crawls desperately toward Tian Chen’s corpse and hugs her asking for her forgiveness.

4 — In the old settlement, deep in the woods, Kenny wakes up alone in the cabin. Jim shouts Kenny’s name to come down to him.
Jim found several vegetable crops growing wildly around the lake. Jim tells Kenny these are growing in patches all around the lake. “There is enough food here to feed everybody in the entire town.”
<Season 1-3 never mentioned this, but I must. So far, other than the recreational pond near the Colony House, this is the first lake they find in the woods. In Season 1, Episode 1, Ethan talks about the Lake of Tears. It could be just a story in the Cromenockle book, or this lake is part of his quest in this place. Whether true or not true, that might be a plot yet to be revealed.>

5 — In the real world — in Camden, Maine, Tabitha wakes up. She slept on Henry’s sofa. Henry, Victor’s Father, sits next to her with a gun in his right hand. She asks what happened. Henry says she passed out on his porch and has been sleeping since. Tabitha notices the gun and says maybe she should leave.
Henry points the gun at her and commands her to sit. “You showed up on my doorstep with the lunchbox my son left here with a very long time ago. So, you’re gonna tell me how you found that, and you’re gonna tell me right now.”

Tabitha agrees to tell him everything. She introduces herself and tells how her family went on a road trip to see some relatives in Colorado when they had to take a detour off the highway. There was a massive tree in the middle of the road, so we thought we were just driving around it. But we never got back to the road. We kept driving and we got to this town, a place that we couldn’t leave. But there were people there, and some of them had been there for a while.
Henry interrupts her long story and asks where she got the lunchbox from.
Tabitha explains that’s what she is trying to tell him. The place where they ended up, there are people who have been there for years.
Henry yells loudly, and stands up pointing the gun at Tabitha: “WHERE DID YOU GET THE LUNCHBOX?!”
Tabitha said: “He gave it to me!”
Henry asks: “Who?”
Tabitha responds his son Victor gave the lunchbox to her. He asks when. She responded 3-4 days ago. Victor is alive. The town she was telling him about, he’s been stuck there all these years.
Henry doesn’t believe her and says if he doesn’t talk to him, maybe she will talk to the police. She pleads with him not to call the cops. She can’t tell them who she is. If she tries to explain any of this to them, she will sound crazy. When the cops ask her where her family is, she won’t be able to answer.
Henry looks her in the eye and tells her that he called the police about 20 minutes ago. They should be there any minute. So they will just sit there until they arrive.
Tabitha thinks for a few seconds and offers proof that she’s not lying.
6 — Sara enters the Clinic. Kristi tells her she doesn’t come to the clinic. Ever. Boyd might be okay with everything Sara did, but she’s not welcome to the clinic.
Sara interrupts Kristi: “Tian-Chen died. Something happened last night. The animals got out into the street and she– I thought you would want to know, and I wasn’t sure if anyone… I’m sorry.”
7 — Boyd and Jade pull the cart containing Tian-Chen’s corpse along the road toward the church People stand along the road. Snow begins to fall. First time snow ever dropped in this place, which has been getting colder after the storm.

Boyd carries her corpse in his arms and places her on a bed inside the church. He tells Jade they must bury her next to her husband.
Jade interrupts Boyd: “You were in the barn with her, with those things. How are you still alive?”
Boyd responds the monsters wanted him to watch.
8 — Boyd leaves the church and finds multiple townsfolk surrounding the church, expecting Boyd to say something.
He ignores the townsfolk in shame, as memories of what the monsters forced him to watch flood his mind.

Donna comes running down the street from Colony House and shouts at Boyd to stop walking. Donna demands to know if it is true. Boyd stops for a few seconds and resumes walking inside the Sheriff’s station. Donna follows behind.
9 — Ethan cries as Julie hugs him. Ethan wants to go see Tian-Chen’s corpse. Julie says it is not a good idea right now. Ethan still denying the truth asks Julie if Tian-Chen will be okay. If Kristi can fix her. Ethan wants to bring Tian-Chen her blanket because it is too cold outside. Ethan thinks Tian-Chen will be more comfortable when she has her blanket.
Victor enters Kenny’s house suddenly, slamming the door behind him. Ethan asks Victor to convince Julie to let him go see Tian-Chen to help her.
Victor came to Kenny’s house to pick up his drawings and belongings. Ethan pleads with Victor to stay. They need to go together to help Tian-Chen. Victor yells they can’t help her. “She is dead, Ethan! People die here! I told you that. It’s not make-believe! I told you that bad things happen here!”
10 — In Camden, Maine — Henry searches the web for the Matthews Family. He comes across a local news article that talks about their disappearance.
Tabitha asks Henry to search for other missing people in the news. She can’t remember Donna’s last name, so she mentions Tian-Chen Liu and Kenny Liu are in that place too. Henry responds Tabitha is lying. He doesn’t know how she made this article news happen but she is lying.

Tabitha tries to convince Henry that Victor is alive in that place. Henry asks then how comes she escaped that place and she is here. “You want me to believe you just happen to be the one person who somehow managed to escape this terrifying place?”
Tabitha responded yes, and Victor helped her escape. Victor is nice and sweet, and her son loves him. Victor saved her daughter’s life. Tabitha wanders in her story and says that she thought that if she saved the children locked in the tower, then… somehow, she could save her from whatever’s happening to her–
Henry interrupts Tabitha: “What did you just say?”
Tabitha continues, ignoring his question: “Well, when I was in town, I started seeing children, or at least imagining I was. And they were really frightening. Victor said that they were children locked in the tower, that if I saved them, then maybe I could somehow help my daughter from what she’s going through–“
The Camden PD police knock at Henry’s door.
Tabitha pleads with him not to let the police inside.
Henry talks with the police, who are acquainted with him, and he lies about a dog without a leash that he thought was an intruder. The owner came to pick up the dog. The police left.
Henry puts the gun on the table. He tells Tabitha he purchased the gun 40 years ago, a few years after his family disappeared. He never had the courage to even load it.
Henry offers to prepare something for Tabitha to eat.
11 — In the Sheriff’s station, Boyd explains to Donna that it was an ambush. The monsters know they would go after the animals. They opened the pen and waited for them to walk right to them inside the barn.
Donna asks how many animals did they save. “Was it worth it risking everyone’s lives for an extra goat? A cow? How much better off are we today than we were yesterday?”
Boyd and Donna have a serious cussing out, but eventually, Donna agrees it is not Boyd’s fault. The game is rigged, and this place wants to break them. That it is her fault for believing that Boyd could one day get everyone home.
Boyd tries to console her, but she rejects his touch. She gotta go dress that dead cow before the meat spoils.
12 — At the Colony House, Fatima vomits again in the toilet. Ellis knocks at the door and asks if she is okay. She’s been there a while. He tells her they should go to Kristi as a precaution to make sure she’s alright.
Fatima rejects the help. She’s fine. Ellis suggests then to bring Kristi to the Colony House to see her. She rejects that too. She is fine.
Fatima stands up before the mirror and opens her mouth. A tooth comes loose easily with no pain. With the bloodied tooth on her hand, she opens the door and shows it to Ellis. She agrees they should seek Kristi’s help in the clinic.
13 — Ellis and Fatima arrive to the clinic seeking Kristi. Marielle informs them Kristi is in town. She took Tian-Chen’s death hard. Marielle offers her service to Fatima, instead.
Ellis is cautious and thinks it is best to come at a later time. Marielle insists. Ellis is blunt and says he prefers to wait for Kristi as Marielle is not a doctor. Marielle reveals she is a pediatric nurse. Fatima is pregnant, so that’s within her career’s scope.
14 — Kristi approaches Boyd, who is standing by the empty pool, next to the Motel. She jokes it’s too cold for a swim.
Kristi asks Boyd what is he doing standing here, under the snow, by the empty pool. He responds he realized he doesn’t even remember whose car in the pool it belonged to. They have had so many people die.
Kristi reminds him the car belonged to Danny and Shay. She tells Boyd what happened to Tian-Chen wasn’t his fault. Boyd says he’s not there for a pep talk. She doesn’t give a shit. When Sara grabbed a scalpel from her clinic to kill Ethan, Boyd came to the clinic to tell Kristi it wasn’t her fault and that by the end she would save a lot of lives. Kristi asks Boyd if all that was only bullshit to make her feel better. Kristi says that Tian-Chen’s death wasn’t his fault.

Their pep talk is interrupted by Jim and Kenny arriving to town with their bags filled with vegetables: Lettuce, Broccoli, and Potatoes. There might even be fish in the lake.
Kristi and Boyd approach.

People surround Kenny but not celebrate that he found food. Kenny looks at Boyd and sees the blood in his clothes. Kenny asks whose blood is that. Jim asks Boyd for his kids. He says they are fine. Kenny removes his backpack and asks where his Mom is.
Boyd asks Kenny to go inside the Sheriff’s station. Kenny asks for his Mom and shouts toward his house for his Mom. No response back. Kenny yells in Cantonese seeking her Mom’s response back. Nothing.
Boyd tries to explain, but Kenny stops him and rejects any comment. Then leaves.
Kristi tells Boyd she got it, and she goes away after Kenny.
15 — Clara leaves flowers on the Diner counter. Kenny enters the Diner in search of his Mom, Tian-Chen. Clara sees Kenny and says she’s sorry. Clara leaves and Kenny sobs on the counter. Kristi enters the Diner. Kenny insists he is okay, multiple times. Not allowing Kristi to say a thing.
Kenny asks Kristi where is his Mom. She replies in the church. Kenny says he needs to sit there for a minute.
16 — In the clinic, Marielle asks Fatima when was the last time she ate. Fatima responds 3-4 days. Ellis says Fatima can’t keep anything down. She vomits it.
Ellis hesitates and disrespects Marielle again by saying maybe they should just wait for Kristi. Then asks Marielle how she’s been.
Marielle asks: “Do you mean after my withdrawal or after getting mind-raped?”
Marielle says Fatima is going through all the phases any pregnant woman goes through and that she knows that all first-time fathers are scared and ask all the questions they possibly can. As for Fatima, she is very malnourished and it is a wonder only one tooth fell out. She also thinks Fatima might have something called hyperemesis gravidarum which in essence is known as bad morning sickness. She recommends Fatima eat again and will search for a medicine in the cabinet that alleviates her stomach, but other than that the baby is fine.
17 — At the Diner, Kenny remembers one of Tian-Chen’s sayings: “No matter how bad it gets, we’ll never have this day again.”
Kenny asks if Kristi saw what the monsters did to her. She says not yet.
He remembers how the monsters mangled his father’s corpse. He doesn’t want the same for his Mom. Kenny asks Kristi to fix her Mom so she looks like herself before he can see her body and for the funeral.
Kristi leaves the Diner. The jukebox starts playing “Celebration” by Kool & the Gang (1980).
Kenny gets angry and asks the jukebox to stop. He tries to yank it off the electric cord unsuccessfully. He grabs a container full of forks and spoons and slams it against the front of the jukebox, shattering the glass and causing a short circuit. The music stops.
18 — Jim enters Kenny’s House. Julie is thoughtful on the sofa and startles when the door opens. She looks at her Dad and says: “You are back.” She informs JIm that Tian-Chen is dead. Jim says he knows.
Julie says Ethan is upstairs. Jim tries to talk to her, but Julie stops him. She refuses to hear anything. Feels like she blames her Dad’s absence for Tian-Chen’s death or her Mom’s disappearance. Possibly the latter, or both.
Jim says it is okay for her to feel angry. She cuts his talk short and says Ethan almost died and he wasn’t home to defend them from the monsters. She can’t be the fill-in parent while Jim loses his shit. Jim interjects that he was looking for her Mom in the woods.
Julie says her Mom went through a tree and now she’s gone. People can’t survive more than a few hours at night without a talisman. Tabitha has been gone for 4 days. Julie knows Jim feels bad for not stopping her from going into the woods to help the children in the tower, but when baby Thomas died, Tabitha and Jim fell apart, and there was no one there for Ethan. She was only 15 and she had to take the role of her parents to bring him up. Julie warns Jim she can’t do that again. She needs Jim to get his shit together.

19 — In Camden, Maine, Tabitha eats a meal. Henry drinks a cup of coffee. He says he doesn’t get a lot of visitors. At least now he knows Tabitha won’t pass out on him, well fed.
Henry says that before his wife Miranda disappeared, she started hearing voices. Children calling out to her for help to free them from a tower somewhere to save them. She was terrified of them.
The only person Henry ever repeated that was to the investigating police detective and he died 20 years ago.
Henry takes Tabitha upstairs to the bedroom. He mentions Victor lived here along with his little girl. They were the lights of his life. When they disappeared, it ripped his life to pieces.
Henry didn’t care about the accusations or people who said he did it. His last words to his children were clean your room or no TV. Henry went to work at his job. When he came back home, they were gone and didn’t return.

Tabitha asks why he is showing her the bedroom. Henry says he doesn’t know how Tabitha knows about the children in the tower that Miranda used to talk about or how she got hold of Victor’s lunchbox or how she could fake those articles online. The only logical explanation that Henry can come up with is that Tabitha is telling the truth. If so, then Victor is alive.
<It is strange the writer chose Henry to talk only about Victor being alive, or that Henry doesn't ask if his wife Miranda or his daughter Eloise are alive or not. It feels out of place that he only focuses on asking about Victor. Even though Henry mentions this was his boy and little girl's. bedroom. The photos on the wall show the girl too.>
Henry asks if there is a possibility she is not telling the truth, Tabitha must tell him now. That this is some sort of cruel– Tabitha interrupts Henry, and assures him everything she said is the truth. Tabitha declares that she thinks the reason she was sent to Camden, Maine was to find Victor’s father.
Henry says that he thinks Tabitha is here for what is in the basement.
20 — In the church, Jade sits next to Tian-Chen’s body. Kristi arrives and stands with a sad face looking at Tian-Chen. Jade says he didn’t want to leave Tian-Chen alone. She used to make him Tea.
Kristi starts removing the sheets from her body to inspect the damage. There is a huge gaping hole where her stomach and organs were. Her arms and legs are shredded. Jade announces he will leave Kristi to do her job. Kristi stops him. She needs his help to fix Tian-Chen’s body before Kenny sees her.

21 — Ellis escorts Fatima outside the Colony House. Fatima says his father, Boyd, is having a hard day. Ellis should go aid his Dad. She will go to bed by herself. Ellis gives Fatima the medicine prescribed by Marielle and heads off to the Town.

As Fatima holds the doorknob, she hears two residents by the porch collecting the rotten crops for composting. Nicky apologized for her behavior the other day when knocking on the bathroom door. After Nicky left, Fatima approached the rotten crops and the aroma enticed Fatima. She grabbed one of the rotten food and ate it with gusto.

Fatima quickly grabbed 4 pieces of rotten food and hid in a corner to eat them all.
22 — In the Colony House’s kitchen, Donna cuts slices of meat from the dead cow — the one killed by one of the monsters the previous night — to preserve them for rations so that none goes to waste.
Ethan enters the kitchen asking for Victor. He left Kenny’s house and he was angry. Ethan asks Donna if that’s the cow that died last night. She confirms. He says he never saw how animals looked like inside without skin. He asks Donna if Tian Chen looks like that. He then changes the subject to talk about the snow outside and how different the area looks with snow. Ethan is talking random nonsense. Donna stops her work on the cow meat and cleans her hands. She suggests Ethan to go do something together, but he brushes her off saying he’s going home.
Donna tells Ethan that Tian Chen loved him very much. He responds that he knows and leaves.

23 — In the church, Kristi and Jade clean the blood from Tian Chen’s body with hand towels and a bucket of water to rinse the hand towels.
Sara enters the room holding a blue dress. She says that when she worked at the diner, they used to try on dresses sometimes in the diner’s storage room when there was downtime. This blue dress is the one she always considered her favorite and wanted to wear it the day they could go back home to the real world. Kristi thanks Sara.
Sara leaves the church. Kristi and Jade look at each other, and resume the cleansing effort on Tian-Chen’s body.
<This is the first time since Sara killed Tobey and Nathan, tried to kill Ethan, and let the clinic door open for the monsters to kill Kenny's father and Ginny, that Kristi appreciates something Sara says or does. Sara's words show that she loved Tian-Chen and is at a loss of words to explain her reasons to bring this blue dress. Kristi understands that, and appreciates the gesture.>

24 — In Tom’s Bar (former Gas Station), Kenny is loading large jars with alcohol from Jade’s distillation apparatus.
Boyd enters the bar and tells Kenny that’s a heavy pour even on a day like today. Kenny says what he is about to do he will do. He doesn’t want to listen to Boyd or talk.
Boyd asks Kenny what are the bottles for. Kenny says he will go into the tunnels. He is going to find the monsters and set them ablaze. He will make those things hurt. Boyd thinks for a couple of seconds and responds: “Okay.”
Kenny asks: “Okay, what?”
Boyd responds: “Okay, let’s do it. Let’s go.”
Kenny turns around and looks at Kenny. He heard no “but” or opposition.

25 — Outside the tunnels, under heavy snowing, Kenny tells Boyd that Victor and Tabitha told him those monsters were everywhere down in the tunnels during daylight.
Boyd says Jade told him he saw a lot of shit in the tunnels during daylight and didn’t find a single monster. Boyd thinks maybe they went somewhere else after Tabitha and Victor found them or maybe they went deeper into the tunnels.
Boyd says this is what the monsters want them to do, to get angry. He knows that if they find them, there’s a chance they might never come back alive. But if this is what Kenny wants to do, Boyd will be there next to him and kill as many of those motherfuckers as they can.
Kenny stops idly thinking how scared his Mom must have been, and how lonely she must have felt.
Boyd confesses Tian-Chen wasn’t alone. Kenny didn’t know this and asks Boyd what he means. Boyd responds the monsters made him watch. He couldn’t help her. Kenny breaks into sobbing. Boyd says she was strong and brave. She looked at him and did not take her eyes off him. Before she died, she said in Cantonese these words.
Boyd says she doesn’t know if he is saying the words right. Kenny understood the words: “Take care of him. He’ll be alone now.”
Kenny sobs and Boyd hugs him. “It’s okay. Let’s go back.”

26 — In the church, Jade covers Tian-Chen’s feet with a blanket. Kristi dressed Tian-Chen in the blue dress. She asks Jade if her hair and makeup look alright.
Jade responds if she puts any more makeup on her, Tian-Chen might sit up and slap the lipstick out of Kristi’s hand. Kristi responds she just wants Tian-Chen to look right for Kenny.
Boyd and Kenny open the door and enter the church.
Kenny kneels before the bed and caresses Tian-Chen’s face.
27 — Sara sits on the porch. Julie approaches and thanks Sara for saving their lives the previous night: Ethan’s and hers. Sara welcomes her. Julie tells Sara something happened to her a few days ago. Sara acknowledges that she knows about it. Julie says she thinks this place is getting in her head. She is scared of what that might mean. Julie doesn’t want to hurt anybody and ends up like Sara. Sara agrees she doesn’t want Julie to. Sara offers Julie she’s there if she ever wants to talk about it.
28 — In Camden, Maine, Henry takes Tabitha to the basement. It all started during Henry’s birthday. Miranda and Henry were hippies back in the day. They gave up the drinking and drugs when she got pregnant with Victor.
When Henry turned 35, years later, Miranda got it in her head they would take a stroll down memory lane and she obtained acid for a last drug trip. That’s when the voices started in her head. When she started seeing visions, she painted everything she saw.
Miranda told Henry that she had been chosen. It was a place that was everywhere, but you couldn’t find it if you tried. A place you can stumble from anywhere, but never find a way to leave.
Miranda said there were people there. People who were lost, and afraid. Who found themselves living inside a nightmare that they couldn’t escape. Fighting a battle they knew they couldn’t win. She said they were holding on to hope, and when that hope was gone, they held on to each other. It all sounded like riddles. Gibberish. She said that of all people who would find their way to this place, she was the one who had been chosen to free the children. But she wasn’t the first. Others were chosen before her. She could see all of those chosen, and everyone had failed. None got to set the children free.
If Tabitha has also seen the children, that means she is also been chosen. Then how did Tabitha get out? — Henry asks.

<The image below shows a green painting on the floor reclined against a brown table. The painting shows a forest, and some sort of circle of stones? This resembles the circle of stones where Father Khatri buried his bag with the bloodied shirt, a bottle, and a chocolate bar. He used to go there to meditate.
The painting in front of Tabitha with a fully dark background -- unsure who that is, but the person seems to have two or three talismans stacked together. I wonder if it means the talismans can be placed together for a purpose. The painting that is standing against the wall, near the window, has a large yellow rectangle. It has the red Motel sign. That means the yellow rectangle is the pool. I'm intrigued about two paintings that have the same theme: A man wearing a black long shirt with sleeves and a black hat. His throat area is surrounded by a white something. Looks like a victorian neck collar. That hasn't been seen yet in Season 1-3. Another painting shows a dry tree with no leaves, but it has no bottles. Two of the paintings show black holes with white bars (these are seen in the tunnels, where one of the children rolled a ball at a monolith that came crumbling down in front of Tabitha a few episodes before.>

<The image below represents the Diner.>

<The paintings below has a very important character. First, Miranda painted here the Lighthouse. The last painting to the right is a Civil War Union soldier -- which Jade saw in one of his lucid visions. But the important one here is the man in the yellow jacket. This guy will appear in the series in Season 3, Episode 10 -- and should be the main villain in Season 4.
SPOILER: In Season 3, Episode 10 -- it seems Julie storywalked back in time (offscreen in a future episode of Season 4) to attempt to change Jim's death. The way Julie talked to Jim as if she might have found him at the right time and warns him to run away -- it is as if this wasn't the present Julie, but one from the future who came to the moment the yellow jacket guy arrives to kill Jim near the RV. I'll do an analysis in the Episode 10 recap of why I think that's a future Julie. The yellow jacket man is the one who warned Jim over the CB Radio about Tabitha digging a hole in the basement. He has super strength, and at the Season 3 finale it is still unknown who he is. He just came out of nowhere and ripped Jim's throat.>

There are more paintings shown in this lengthy dialogue by Henry. It shows that Miranda was unique among any of the other people who entered the Town. She had visions of that place before she even found the fallen tree on the road.
<The painting below is meant to show 6 children playing on a Merry-Go-Round -- the one next to the Matthews's house.>

<The painting below shows the Colony House.>

<The painting below is the church and its cemetery.>

There are two paintings below:
The first one is one of the monsters -- the one that dresses with a white uniform and white hat. I think it is meant to represent an ice cream vendor in the 60s. He's shown up many times at night through Season 1-3.
The last painting to the far right is of concern. That's the third painting that shows a man in a black shirt, black hat, and what looks like a victorian neck ruffle. This character hasn't been shown anywhere in Season 1-3, which means he is meant to appear somewhere in a future Season. Three paintings showing him has to mean the production want us to remember him from the paintings.
Victorian neck ruffles were invented in the mid-1600s and were used in England up to the mid-1700s In one of Tabitha's dreams, when she climbed the tower's stairs, there were year numbers written in concrete.In one of Tabitha's dreams (Season 1, Episode 10), when she climbed the tower's stairs, there were year numbers written on concrete. You could see 1609, 1672, and 1752. This character in the painting might be from one of those eras.

Tabitha gasps when she sees a painting Miranda made of the Boy in White — the same boy that pushed Tabitha through the Lighthouse’s glass which landed her in the real world in Camden, Maine.

29 — The townsfolk attend Tian-Chen’s funeral in the church.

Everyone departs the church going their separate ways. Boyd is visibly troubled deep in thought. Ellis, his son, approaches him and asks how he’s holding up. Boyd is lost in thought, and Ellis has to snap him out of his mind and back to reality. Ellis starts to talk about how Boyd is holding so much weight in this town. Boyd cuts him off and says they can’t keep doing this. They need more information about this place in order to go on the offensive.
Boyd says he needs Ellis’s help with something tomorrow. Boyd wants to capture one of these monsters.
30 — Ethan asks his Dad, Jim, if they will continue to live in Tian-Chen’s house now that she’s dead. Jim doesn’t know. Julie tells Jim she is going to the barn to make sure the animals are fed. Jim complains that it is almost dark. Julie says she won’t be long. Ethan decides to go to the barn with Julie.
Jim enters Kenny’s house and drinks water from the kitchen’s faucet. Suddenly, the phone starts ringing. Jim picks up the phone and hears static hissing. Jim says Hello.
A voice says: “Dad? It’s Thomas.”
SEASON 1 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
SEASON 2 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
SEASON 3 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |