Lady Liadrin: The Regent Lord intends to show First Arcanist Thalyssra our Sunwell. I do not know if he will allow Alleria Windrunner to attend the meeting, but we are invited to join them.
Complete the scenario, “Remember the Sunwell.”
Lady Liadrin: First Arcanist Thalyssra and honored guests. Welcome to Silvermoon.
First Arcanist Thalyssra: It is a pleasure to visit your fine city at last. Thank you for extending the invitation, Regent Lord.
Lor’themar Theron: Please, call me Lor’themar. But where are my manners? Allow me to introduce another guest: Lady Alleria Windrunner, a hero of Silvermoon’s past.
First Arcanist Thalyssra: An unexpected honor, Lady Windrunner. Silgryn told me of your courage during the campaign on Argus.
Alleria Windrunner: The honor is mine, First Arcanist. I do not mean to intrude upon your visit. Perhaps I should return another time.
Lor’themar Theron: Nonsense. Whatever you came to say, you may say in front of our guests.
Alleria Windrunner: As you wish. I come bearing an offer from High King Anduin Wr–
Lor’themar Theron: I had hoped your visit was motivated by a love for Silvermoon. Instead, you come at the behest of the Alliance’s boy-king. How disappointing.
Alleria Windrunner: Cutting words, Lor’themar. Are they yours, I wonder, or has the dutiful ranger I knew become the mouthpiece of your warchief?
Lor’themar Theron: You doubt my words, yet how can we trust your own? Do you deny that the lords of the Void whisper to you? Did you not surrender yourself to the shadows on Argus?
Alleria Windrunner: It seems the offer I bring has been anticipated… and spurned. Very well. But before I leave, I have one request. It has been a thousand years since I set eyes upon the Sunwell. May I visit it once again?
Grand Magister Rommath: I advise against it. We cannot trust that she will not–
Lor’themar Theron: Whatever she has become, Alleria is a daughter of Quel’Thalas. I will not deny her pilgrimage to our most sacred site. First Arcanist, you and your retinue would be welcome to join us.
First Arcanyst Thalyssra: I would consider it an honor to see the Sunwell, Lor’themar. And I prefer that my friends call me Thalyssra.
Lor’themar Theron: Rommath, kindly open the way for us. Please follow me.
First Arcanist Thalyssra: The sense of power is palpable. As potent as the Nightwell, but of a different nature.
Lady Liadrin: The Sunwell was corrupted by our enemies, but a naaru’s sacrifice purified its waters. Now the essence of the Light sustains us.
Alleria Windrunner: The Sunwell has changed… but its beauty remains. It has been so long.
Grand Magister Rommath: Stay back!
Lor’themar Theron: What is happening?
Grand Magister Rommath: This is why I demanded that Umbric and his radicals be exiled. Anyone who treats with the Void is a danger to the Sunwell!
Alleria Windrunner: I did not intend for my presence to…
Lor’themar Theron: Enough! We need to cleanse this corruption before the well is lost!
First Arcanist Thalyssra: Silgryn! Valtrois! Aid the regent lord!
Nether-Prince Durzaan: The vessel has been found!
Grand Magister Rommath: It wants the Sunwell!
Grand Magister Rommath: Something seeks to open a rift into the chamber. If it comes through, we may lose the Sunwell.
Alleria Windrunner: I can close the rift– but I will need help.
First Arcanist Thalyssra: Tell us what to do, and we will lend our strength.
Nether-Prince Durzaan: The door opens. Yes… this should suit our needs.
Alleria Windrunner: Now! Focus your power with mine!
Nether-Prince Durzaan: You only delay the inevitable! I will yet have my prize.
Lor’themar Theron: The Sunwell is secure. Your aid was invaluable, Thalyssra. And yours, champion.
Grand Magister Rommath: Guards! Seize this saboteur.
Alleria Windrunner: I will not be taken prisoner in my own homeland.
Lor’themar Theron: Enough! You will leave at once, Alleria. Accident or no, your presence poses a danger to Quel’Thalas. Go back to Stormwind. Silvermoon is no longer your home.
“Remember the Sunwell” scenario complete: 1/1
Objective Complete.
Lor’themar Theron: I regret you had to witness that exchange, Thalyssra. This is not how I planned your visit to unfold.
First Arcanist Thalyssra: On the contrary. This conflict has demonstrated your dedication to your people. I can see that the Horde has allowed you to uphold your traditions– something that is very important to us.
Lady Liadrin: We gain strength from our allies… but we have not lost who we are.
First Arcanist Thalyssra: Suramar will always be our home. But some among my people wish to venture out into the world, to claim our place in Azeroth once again. To do that, we need allies.
Lor’themar Theron: The Horde offers that to you, First Arcanist. Join us. The gates of Silvermoon stand open to you.
First Arcanist Thalyssra: On behalf of the nightborne, I accept your proposal. From this day forth, Suramar fights for the Horde.
Lor’themar Theron: Excellent! Lady Liadrin, please return to Orgrimmar and tell the Warchief the good news.
Lady Liadrin: It will be my pleasure, Regent Lord. I will meet you in Silvermoon, champion.
NOTE: Click the Translocator to leave the Sunwell scenario. You will be teleported back to the Sunfury Spire in Silvermoon City to turn in the quest.
Lady Liadrin: That was not wholly expected.
Remember the Sunwell
1. The Call for Allies |
2. A Choice of Allies |
3. Thalyssra's Estate |
4. Silvermoon City |
5. Remember the Sunwell (Scenario) |
6. The Nightborne (Achievement/Mount) |
7. For the Horde |
8. Stranger in a Strange Land |
TIP: In order to unlock a Nightborne Allied Race, you must have pre-purchased Battle for Azeroth. Other requirements include: Exalted with the Nightborne, and the You Are Now Prepared! Achievement. Once you meet these, login into the game and accept the quest onscreen: "A Call for Allies." After you complete the quest "The Nightborne" you earn the achievement: "Allied Races: Nightborne." Now you can logout and create a new Character. Tap the "Allied Races" button to create a level 20 Nightborne character.
1. A Second Ally for the Cause |
2. A Feast for our Kin |
3. Shadow Over Thunder Bluff |
4. Dark Forces |
5. Return to Highmountain |
6. Dark Tales |
7. Walking in their Footsteps |
8. Shadow of the Sepulcher |
9. Minions of the Darkness |
10. Huln's Mountain |
11. Servants of the Darkness |
12. How Fares Ebonhorn? |
13. Curse of the Necrodark |
14. Whispers of the Darkness |
15. Ice and Shadow |
16. The Final Ward |
17. The Darkness |
18. Together We Are The Horde! (Achievement) |
19. For the Horde |
20. Stranger in a Strange Land |
TIP: In order to unlock a Highmountain Allied Race, you must have pre-purchased Battle for Azeroth. Other requirements include: Exalted with the Highmountain, and the You Are Now Prepared! Achievement. Once you meet these, login into the game and accept the quest onscreen: "A Call for Allies." After you complete the quest "The Highmountain" you earn the achievement: "Allied Races: Highmountain." Now you can logout and create a new Character. Tap the "Allied Races" button to create a level 20 Highmountain character.
1. A Call for Allies |
2. A Choice of Allies |
3. The Ghostlands |
4. Telogrus Rift (Scenario) |
5. For the Alliance |
6. Stranger in a Strange Land |
TIP: In order to unlock a Void Elf Allied Race, you must have pre-purchased Battle for Azeroth. Other requirements include: Exalted with the Argussian Reach, and the You Are Now Prepared! Achievement. Once you meet these, login into the game and accept the quest onscreen: "A Call for Allies." After you complete the quest "Telogrus Rift" you earn the achievement: "Allied Races: Void Elf." Now you can logout and create a new Character. Tap the "Allied Races" button to create a level 20 Void Elf character.
1. A Call for Allies |
2. The Lightforged |
3. Forge of Aeons (Scenario) |
4. For the Light! (Achievement) |
5. For the Alliance! |
6. Stranger in a Strange Land |
TIP: In order to unlock a Lightforged Draenei Allied Race, you must have pre-purchased Battle for Azeroth. Other requirements include: Exalted with the Army of the Light, and the You Are Now Prepared! Achievement. Once you meet these, login into the game and accept the quest onscreen: "A Call for Allies." After you complete the quest "For the Light" you earn the achievement: "Allied Races: Lightforged Draenei." Now you can logout and create a new Character. Tap the "Allied Races" button to create a level 20 Lightforged Draenei character.
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