Three days later, somewhere in the wintry peaks of the Alterac Mountains…
Arthas: So. you’re not upset about me killing you that one time?
Kel’Thuzad: Don’t be foolish. The Lich King told me how our encounter would end.
Arthas: The Lich King knew that I would kill you?
Kel’Thuzad: Of course. He chose you to be his champion long before the Scourge even began.
Arthas: If he’s so all knowing, then how can the dreadlords control him like they do?
Kel’Thuzad: They are agents of the ones who created our master: the fiery lords of the Burning Legion.
Arthas: What is this Legion?
Kel’Thuzad: It is a vast demonic army that has consumed countless worlds beyond our own. Now, it comes to set this world to the flame. Our master was created to pave the way for its arrival. The dreadlords were sent to make sure that he succeeded.
Arthas: So the plague in Lordaeron, the citadels in Northrend, the slaughtering of the elves… it was all just to prepare for some huge demonic invasion?
Kel’Thuzad: Yes. In time, you will find that our entire history has been shaped by the coming conflict. Now come, we have much work to do.
The next morning, on the outskirts of the Blackrock clan village…
Arthas: Isn’t it time you told me about the second phase of the plan, lich?
Kel’Thuzad: Certainly. The first phase of the Lich King’s plan was to engineer the Scourge, which would eradicate any group that might resist the Legion’s arrival.
Arthas: Like the forces of Lordaeron… and the high elves.
Kel’Thuzad: Exactly. The second phase is to actually summon the demon lord who will spark the invasion.
Arthas: So, where are we going now?
Kel’Thuzad: There is a nearby encampment of Blackrock orcs who maintain a functional demon gate. I must use the gate to commune with the demon lord and receive his instructions.
Demon Gate
- Destroy the Orc base protecting the Demon Gate
You start with Arthas, Kel’Thuzad, 5 Acolytes, 2 Ghouls, a Frost Wyrm, 4 Gargoyles, 2 Crypt Fiends, 1 Meat Wagon, and 1 Shade.
Buildings: Haunted Gold Mine, Halls of the Dead, Graveyard, Crypt, Sacrificial Pit, Altar of Darkness, and 4 Ziggurats.
100 500
Kel’Thuzad: Behold, the Frost Wyrm! These undead dragons are the Lich King’s favored pets. This one shall serve us well.
Select the Graveyard. Upgrade to Creature Carapace (C): Increases the armor of Crypt Fiends, Gargoyles, and Frost Wyrms.
Upgrade to Creature Attack (A): Increases the attack damage of Crypt Fiends, Gargoyles, and Frost Wyrms.
Upgrade to Unholy Strength (S): Increases the attack damage of Ghouls, Meat Wagons, Skeleton Warriors and Skeletal Mages.
Upgrade to Unholy Armor (U): Increases the armor of Ghouls, Skeleton Warriors, and Skeletal Mages.
Select the Crypt. Research Web (W): Enables Crypt Fiends to use the Web Ability. Web binds a target enemy air unit in webbing, forcing it to the ground. Webbed units can be hit as though they were land units.
Frost Wyrm – You may now build Frost Wyrms from the Boneyard. They are flying heavy assault creatures and can learn the Freezing Breath ability.
Select all four Ziggurats simultaneously. Upgrade to Spirit Tower (T): Upgrade to create a defensive structure.
Wait a few seconds until the Blackrock Raiders attack your base.
Orc Warlock: The Legion has sent the dead to test us! Victory to the Blackrock clan!
Blademaster Haomarush: We orcs are the true servants of the Burning Legion! These mindless undead are weak… impure!
Kel’Thuzad: Your people failed their task, savage. You, too, must be scourged from the world.
Arthas: He dropped a large tome. Is it magical?
Kel’Thuzad: It is a tome of demon lore. No doubt his comrades carry it as well.
NOTE: Command Arthas to pick the Manual of Health: Permanent +50 hit points.
Arthas: I’ve encountered these demon-worshipping orcs before. How do they fit into all this?
Kel’Thuzad: That, young one, is a very complicated matter. Suffice it to say they no longer hold any favor with the Legion.
Kill Orc Heroes
- Throk’Feroth
- Mazrigos
- Khanzo
- Genjuros
- Jubei’Thos
Build a Ziggurat (Z) by the eastern entrance.
Build a Ziggurat (Z) by the northern entrance.
Select the Crypt. Research Cannibalize (C): Enables Ghouls to use the Cannibalize ability. Cannibalize consumes a nearby corpse to restore health.
Select the Graveyard. Upgrade to Improved Creature Attack (A): Further increases the attack damage of Crypt Fiends, Gargoyles, and Frost Wyrms.
Upgrade to Improved Holy Strength (S): Further increases the attack damage of Ghouls, Meat Wagons, Skeleton Warriors, and Skeletal Mages.
Upgrade the newest Ziggurats into Spirit Tower (T): create a defensive structure.
Build 2 Ghouls (G). Send them to harvest wood.
Leave Arthas and the Frost Wyrm in the base for defense. Kel’Thuzad can go with your troops to creep as he has an empty 6-slot inventory — unless you inherited Sylvanas’ stuff from the previous mission.
Send Kel’Thuzad and all the troops south. Use the Meat Wagons to destroy these trees. There is a hidden Ice Troll Warlord level 6 and two Murloc Nightcrawler level 3. One drops Sobi Mask: Increases the Hero’s rate of mana regeneration by 50% when worn.
Build a Ghoul (G). Send it to harvest wood.
Use your Shade to explore the map and open up the Fog of War (black areas in the map). Nothing can reveal or attack the shade in this mission.
Head back to your main base, and take the north path. You will find a Red Dragon level 10 and three Red Dragon Whelps outside of your base. They drop Claws of Attack: Increases the attack damage of the Hero by 9 when worn.
Build a Ghoul (G) and send it to harvest wood.
Go northwest up the hill, and turn to the west toward the top-left corner of the mini-map. There is an Ice Troll group consisting of: an Ice Troll Berserker level 4, Ice Troll Trapper level 3 (2), and Ice Troll level 2 (2) (the Berserker drops Ring of Protection: Increases the armor of the Hero by 3 when worn).
Behind them is a Goblin Merchant, which sells the following items (from left to right):
- Scroll of Protection (R): Increases the armor of all friendly units in an area around your Hero by 2 for 30 sec. 150
- Potion of Healing (P): Heals 250 hit points when used. 150
- Potion of Mana (M): Restores 150 mana when used. 200
- Scroll of Town Portal (T): Teleports the Hero and any of its nearby troops to a target friendly town hall. 350
- Wand of Negation (N): Dispels all magical effects in a target area. Contains 3 charges. Deals 200 damage to summoned units. 200
- Scroll of Healing (H): Heals 150 hit points to all friendly non-mechanical units around the Hero when used. 250
Build a second Crypt (C).
Build a Slaughterhouse (H).
Select the Halls of the Dead. Upgrade to Black Citadel (U): Enables the production of additional types of structures and units. Attacks land and air units.
From the Goblin Merchant, head southwest, until you pass a river bank. Destroy the trees next to the river with the Meat Wagons to make a path toward a hidden Murloc Nightcrawler level 3. If it is night time, he is invisible. You can detect him with a Shade, or just use the Meat Wagon’s Attack Ground (G) by the hut. He drops a Mana Stone: Increases the mana regeneration rate of the Hero by 25% when worn. Can be consumed for 300 mana.
Select the newest Ziggurats and upgrade them into Spirit Towers (T).
Select the Graveyard. Upgrade to Improved Unholy Armor (U): Further increases the armor of Ghouls, Skeleton Warriors, and Skeletal Mages.
Send your troops to the east of your main base to kill this Red Dragon level 10 and three Red Dragon Whelps. It drops Periapt of Vitality: Increases the hit points of the Hero by 150 when worn.
Build a Meat Wagon (M).
Go around the corner to the east and go up the hill (behind the location of the Red Dragon). There is an Ice Troll camp there: Ice Troll High Priest level 4, two Ice Troll Trapper level 3 and two Ice Troll level 2. The priest drops Potion of Greater Healing (NumPad 1): Heals 500 hit points when used.
Destroy the cage near the Ice Trolls. It drops Scroll of Mana (NumPad2): Restores 100 mana to all friendly units in an area around your Hero.
Build a Temple of the Damned (T).
Build a Meat Wagon (M).
Build a Crypt Fiend (F).
Build a Gargoyle (A).
Build a Boneyard (B): Produces Frost Wyrms. Also contains the Freezing Breath upgrade.
Build a Gargoyle (A).
Select the Crypt. Research Ghoul Frenzy (Z): Increases the attack rate of Ghouls by 25%, and increases their movement speed.
Research Stone Form (S): Enables the ability for Gargoyles to assume Stone Form with high armor, spell immunity, and regeneration. The Gargoyle cannot attack in this form.
Build a Ziggurat (Z).
Send all your forces to attack the Blackrock Scouts at the bottom-left corner of the mini map. Kill Blademaster Khanzo. He drops a Tome of Agility: Permanently increases Agility by 1.
Shield Arthas with Kel’Thuzad’s Frost Armor. Cast Frost Nova on the orcs. Command the Meat Wagons to destroy the Watch Tower. Make sure to destroy the Demolisher (Catapult) if it aggros.
Select the Graveyard. Upgrade to Advanced Creature Carapace (C): Further increases the armor of the Crypt Fiends, Gargoyles, and Frost Wyrms.
Monitor how many trees your Ghouls have left to harvest. From now on, make sure your Ghouls didn’t run out of wood. If they do, send them to harvest wood on the southwest side of your main base. Build a new Graveyard by those trees if needed to accelerate their wood harvesting rate.
Build a Frost Wyrm (F).
Select the Slaughterhouse. Research Disease Cloud (D): Meat Wagons will cause Disease Clouds wherever they attack that deal 1 damage per sec for 120 sec to nearby enemy units.
Build a Banshee (B).
Send all your forces to attack the Blackrock Warriors base — southeast-most orc base (from your main base). Kill Blademaster Genjuros. There are 4 Ogre Magi, 2 Raiders, 5 Grunts, and a Demolisher in this base. There are two Watch Towers. One in the north, and the other one at the bottom-right — far away.
Select the Boneyard. Research Freezing Breath (B): Enables Frost Wyrms to use the Freezing Breath ability. When cast on a building, temporarily stops production.
Select the Temple of the Damned. Research Necromancer Adept Training (E): Increases Necromancer’s mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Unholy Frenzy.
Build 2 Ziggurats (Z).
Select the Temple of the Damned. Research Banshee Adept Training (A): Increases Banshee’s mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Anti-magic Shell.
Research Skeletal Longevity (S): Increases the duration of raised Skeleton Warriors and Skeletal Mages by 15 sec.
Send all your troops to destroy the Blackrock Slavers base. This is the orc base straight to the east of your main base. Kill Far Seer Mazrigos. He drops Tome of Intelligence: Permanent +1 Intelligence.
Careful with this base. They have Goblin Sappers.
Build 2 Ziggurats (Z).
Build a Frost Wyrm (F).
Select the Temple of the Damned. Research Necromancer Master Training (E): Increases Necromancer’s mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Cripple.
Send all your troops to destroy the Blackrock Raiders base, directly north of your main base. Kill Far Seer Throk’Feroth (drops Tome of Intelligence: Permanent +1 Intelligence). That base has Raiders, Grunts, Warlocks and Goblin Sappers.
Build 2 Frost Wyrms (F).
Build a Ziggurat (Z).
Send your troops to destroy the Blackrock Warlocks base located northeast of your main base (top-right corner in the mini map). Kill Blademaster Jubei’Thos. He drops a Tome of Knowledge: Permanently increases Strength, Agility, and Intelligence by 1.
This base has 2 Demolishers and 3 Red Dragons level 10, Grunts, 1-2 Raiders, 2 Warlocks and a few Troll Axe-throwers.
Kel’Thuzad: This camp guards the demon gate! Defeat these orcs quickly so that I can contact the demon lord!
Arthas: Understood.
Where a bunch of enemy units and Red Dragons come to attack you, select Kel’Thuzad and cast Death and Decay (D): Damages everything in its area of effect by 4% of its base hit points per sec. Also destroys trees. Lasts 35 sec.
Build a Haunted Gold Mine at the Gold Mine directly north of your main base.
Build a Nexus there, too. If you aren’t able to destroy the last orc base, that is — or any time during the assault on any of the orc bases.
Kill Orc Heroes
Demon Gate
Arthas: The brutes have been slain. The demon gate is yours, lich.
Kel’Thuzad: I call upon thee, Archimonde! Your humble servant seeks an audience!
Archimonde: You called my name, puny lich, and I have come. You are Kel’Thuzad, are you not?
Kel’Thuzad: Yes, great one. I am the summoner.
Archimonde: Very well, then. There is a special tome you must find… the only remaining spellbook of Medivh, the Last Guardian. Only his lost incantations are powerful enough to bring me into your world.
Kel’Thuzad: Where should we search for it, great one?
Archimonde: Seek out the mortal city of Dalaran. It is there that the tome is kept. At twilight, three days from now, you will begin the summoning.
- Murloc Nightcrawler level 3 (2). Ice Troll Warlord level 6 (drops Sobi Mask: Increases the Hero’s rate of mana regeneration by 50% when worn).
- Red Dragon level 10. Red Dragon Whelp level 3 (3) (drops Claws of Attack: Increases the attack damage of the Hero by 9 when worn).
- Ice Troll Berserker level 4. Ice Troll Trapper level 3 (2). Ice Troll level 2 (2). Goblin Merchant (the Berserker drops Ring of Protection: Increases the armor of the Hero by 3 when worn).
- Murloc Nightcrawler level 3 (drops Mana Stone: Increases the mana regeneration rate of the Hero by 25% when worn. Can be consumed for 300 mana).
- Red Dragon level 10. Red Dragon Whelp level 3 (3) — (drops Periapt of Vitality: Increases the hit points of the Hero by 150 when worn).
- Ice Troll High Priest level 4. Ice Troll Trapper level 3 (2). Ice Troll level 2 (2) — (drops Potion of Greater Healing (NumPad 1): Heals 500 hit points when used) — destroy the nearby cage (drops Scroll of Mana: Restores 100 mana to all friendly units in an area around your Hero).
- Blackrock Scouts. Blademaster Khanzo (drops Tome of Agility: Permanent +1 agility).
- Blackrock Warriors. Blademaster Genjuros (drops Tome of Strength: Permanent +1 Strength).
- Blackrock Slavers. Far Seer Mazrigos (drops Tome of Intelligence: Permanent +1 Intelligence).
- Blackrock Raiders. Kill Far Seer Throk’Feroth (drops Tome of Intelligence: Permanent +1 Intelligence).
- Blackrock Warlocks. Blademaster Jubei’Thos (drops Tome of Knowledge: Permanently increases Strength, Agility, and Intelligence by 1.
- Demon Gate
- Haomarush (blademaster)
- Throk’Feroth
- Mazrigos
- Khanzo
- Genjuros
- Jubei’Thos
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