Two days later, deep in the Winterspring Valley…
Malfurion Stormrage: It has been a thousand years since I last looked upon you, Tyrande. I thought of you every moment I roamed through the Emerald Dream.
Tyrande Whisperwind: My heart rejoices to see you again, my love. But I would not have awakened you unless the need was urgent.
Malfurion Stormrage: In the Dream, I felt our land being corrupted, just as if it were my own body. You were right to awaken me.
Tyrande Whisperwind: The Burning Legion has returned. Cenarius is dead, and outlanders roam freely through our most sacred vales.
Malfurion Stormrage: As was foretold… No doubt Archimonde will make his way to Hyjal Summit and attack the World Tree. If he succeeds in draining the tree’s energies, this world will be doomed.
Tyrande Whisperwind: My only thought was to awaken you and the rest of the druids. The druids of the talon reside within Barro Dens at the end of this valley. If we can reach them, we may have a chance to stop Archimonde and his demons!
Footman: That did it, boys! We’ve driven them off! Let’s regroup back at the base and tend to our wounded.
Malfurion Stormrage: So, the outlanders battle against the undead as well? They could prove to be powerful allies against Archimonde and his ilk.
Tyrande Whisperwind: They are mongrels and nothing more! They are responsible for Cenarius’ death! I will be damned before I stand with them.
Malfurion Stormrage: Perhaps you are right, my love. We will establish our new settlement here. Keep your sentries alert. I doubt that we have seen the last of the outlanders or the undead.
Awaken Druids
- Reach the Barrow Dens
HINT – Ancients can attack and walk while they are uprooted.
Send the Wisps to harvest wood.
Move the ancients toward the Gold Mine area. Downroot the Tree of Life, and entangle the Gold Mine.
Downroot the other Ancients — the Protectors facing east of the gold mine.
While the Entangled Gold Mine is in progress, attack the nearby dark troll camp. Make sure to lure them into the long attack range of the Ancient Protectors. The High Priest drops Ironwood Branch: Increases the Strength of the Hero by 1 when carried.
Destroy the crate for a Potion of Healing: Heals 250 hit points when used.
Select the Hunter’s Hall. Upgrade Strength of the Moon (M). Build a Huntress (H). As soon as the Entangled Gold Mine is completed, move the Wisps to harvest gold. Build 3 Wisps (W) and rally them to harvest wood. Upgrade Moon Armor (A). Build a Wisp (W). Build a Huntress (H). |
Send Tyrande, Malfurion and the troops to the east toward the second Gold Mine — this triggers a cutscene.
Tyrande Whisperwind: Wait! I know those furbolgs! They escaped from Ashenvale when the corruption started to spread.
Malfurion Stormrage: Perhaps they did not escape the corruption after all.
Upgrade Improved Strength of the Moon (M). |
Malfurion Stormrage: I’ve never seen the creatures so… aggressive before.
Tyrande Whisperwind: Then I will put an end to their curse! Andu-falah-dor!
Crazed Furbolgs
- Kill the Furbolg Warlord
Two Huntresses spawn and join your team at this location.
Tyrande Whisperwind: Our resources are depleting fast! We must find another gold mine and muster our forces! Only then will we be able to reach the Barrow Dens.
Kill the Furbolg Champion level 7, Furbolg Tracker level 6, and Furbolg level 4.
Crazed Furbolgs
- Kill the Furbolg Warlord
Build an Ancient of Lore (L). Build a Moon Well (M). Build a Huntress (H). Build a Glaive Thrower (T). Build a Dryad (D). |
Go north of the Defiled Fountain of Life and kill these two Furbolg level 4.
Attacking the other two Furbolg level 4 might aggro the adjacent group further east. Kill the Furbolg Elder Shaman level 7, Furbolg Tracker level 6, and two Furbolg. Destroy the crate for a Potion of Mana: Restores 150 mana when used.
(Gold Mine has collapsed)
HINT – Sometimes it is better to move your Ancients to a new location rather than rebuild a new town.
Build a Dryad (D). Upgrade Reinforced Hides (R). Upgrade Improved Moon Armor (A). Build a Glaive Thrower (T). Build a Wisp (W). |
From there go north to kill this Furbolg Champion level 7, Furbolg Tracker level 6, and Furbolg level 4.
Now go west to kill the Optional Quest target: the Furbolg Warlord level 9, and Furbolg Elder Shaman level 7. Drops Claws of Attack: Increases the attack damage of the Hero by 6 when worn.
Malfurion Stormrage: You’ve changed, Tyrande. There is little mercy left in you.
Tyrande Whisperwind: Long ago, I swore to protect this land. I never had the luxury of sleeping through times of great peril.
Malfurion Stormrage: If your endless vigil has hardened you, my love, it must be part of your goddess’ plan.
Crazed Furbolgs
Now go up this ramp, and head north.
Kill these two Dark Troll level 2 and the Dark Troll Berserker level 4.
Upgrade Improved Reinforced Hides (R). Upgrade Strength of the Wild (W). Build 2 Dryads (D). Build 2 Moon Wells (M). Build an Ancient Protector (P). Build a Glaive Thrower (T). Build a Dryad (D). |
Heal your units at the Fountain of Health.
Go west of the Fountain of Health. Kill the Dark Troll Warlord level 6, the Dark Troll High Priest level 4, and the Dark Troll level 2. Drops Ring of Protection: Increases the armor of the Hero by 2 when worn.
Destroy the crates for a Tome of Strength: Permanently increases Strength by 1.
Send your entire army to the Elven Gate.
Huntress: There is danger ahead, Priestess. You must proceed with caution!
Upgrade Improved Strength of the Wild (W). Uproot all of your Ancients to move to the Human Expedition base. Downroot all of your Ancients and entangle the Gold Mine. Set your Wisps to harvest wood in the meantime. |
Destroy the Human Expedition base.
Build a Glaive Thrower (T). Build a Dryad (D). Once the Gold Mine is entangled, command 5 Wisps to harvest Gold at the Human Expedition base. Build 2 new Ancient Protectors (P). |
Destroy the Gate.
Huntress: Be careful, Priestess! These woods are overrun by the dead!
Note: Behind the gate, 2 Dryads and 2 Huntresses join your team.
Cursed Glade
- Kill the Death Revenant to restore the forest.
HINT – Be careful of Ghosts. They can possess your units and turn them against you.
Note: Might be recommended to bring Tyrande and Malfurion and ONLY Dryads to kill these ghosts. Dryads are immune to spells — which means the Ghosts can’t cast “Possess.”
There are some burrowed units in the area: There are at least 6 Skeleton Archers, two Corrupted Treants have poison attacks, and (a bit to the southwest) a Giant Skeleton Warrior level 3 (burrowed).
Build a Huntress (H). Build 2 Glaive Thrower (T). Build a Dryad (D). |
Another Giant Skeleton Warrior unburrows where Tyrande is (in the image below), and about 3 more Skeleton Archers unburrow where the X marks are.
Kill these 3 Giant Wolf level 4.
Bring the Glaive Throwers to destroy the trees west of these Giant Wolves. There is a hidden cave behind those trees with 3 lizards:
- Ancient Storm Wyrm level 10.
- Lightning Lizard level 2 (2).
Drops Sobi Mask: Increases the Hero’s rate of mana regeneration by 50% when worn.
To the east, another Giant Skeleton Warrior and 2 Skeleton Archers unburrow. A Ghost patrols further east — only use Dryads and the Heroes against the Ghosts.
A bit north from the rocky peaks (shown in the image above), 4 Skeleton Archers unburrow to attack your forces.
Further southeast, across the river, there is a small island with 3 Ghosts level 3.
Now you reach the Optional Quest target — and it is well guarded:
- Dire Wolf level 6
- Giant Wolf level 4 (2)
- Ghost level 3 (2)
- Wraith level 6 (3)
- Death Revenant level 8
Cursed Glade
Tyrande Whisperwind: Hopefully, the land will heal itself of this cursed blight. We should get moving. The Barrow Dens lie within the valley just ahead of us.
Build a Dryad (D). Build a Glaive Thrower (T). Build 2 Archers (A). Build a Huntress (H). |
Head back through the river, and go northeast toward the Barrow Den. Toward this spot (shown in the image below). This triggers a cutscene that plays onscreen.
Tyrande Whisperwind: No! The outpost has been corrupted, and the treants have been driven mad! They do not deserve this cruel fate!
Satyr: Come no further, weakling! Lord Tichondrius commanded us to kill anyone attempting to enter this place, and we shall!
Malfurion Stormrage: Pathetic wretches! It pains me that you once called yourselves night elves!
Awaken Druids
Reach the Barrow Den(Completed)- Destroy the corrupted Night Elf base
Uproot your Ancients and move them toward this Gold Mine. Bring all your troops to kill this Plague Treant level 5, Poison Treant level 3, and Corrupted Treant level 1.
Entangle the Gold Mine, and downroot your Ancients around that Gold Mine.
NOTE: From now on, the Corrupted Ancients base will constantly build Skeleton warriors, Satyrs level 1, Corrupted Treants, and Satyr Tricksters level 1 to attack your base. Have those Ancient Protectors ready for defense.
Build an Archer (A). Build a Glaive Thrower (T). Build a Dryad (D). |
Attack this small outpost with a Poison Treant level 3. Corrupted Treant level 1 (3). Corrupted Ancient Protector (2). Satyr Shadowdancer level 3.
Send all your troops to destroy the Corrupted Ancients base:
- Satyr Hellcaller level 9
- Satyr Soulstealer level 5 (2)
- Satyr Shadowdancer level 3 (2)
- Satyr level 1 (5)
- Satyr Trickster level 1 (2)
- Corrupted Ancient Protector (2)
- Corrupted Ancient of War (2)
- Corrupted Tree of Eternity
- Corrupted Moon Well (2).
Use Malfurion to cast Force of Nature on trees, and send them first to aggro the satyrs. Cast Entangling Roots on the Hellcaller level 9. Drop a Healing Ward (if you have any left).
Awaken Druids
Reach the Barrow Dens(Completed)Destroy the corrupted Night Elf base(Completed)- Bring Malfurion to the Barrow Dens
Malfurion Stormrage: Come forth, druids of the talon! Let the storm crows fly once again upon the winds of war!
Malfurion Stormrage: Ishnu-alah, my brethren. Kalimdor has need of your powers once again, for the hour of doom is at hand.
Druid of the Talon: We are yours to command, Shando Stormrage.
Malfurion Stormrage: Now, we must delve into the earth and rouse the ferocious druids of the claw from their slumber.
- Dark Troll High Priest level 4. Dark Troll Berserker level 4. Dark Troll Trapper level 3 (3) — drops Ironwood Branch: Increases the Strength of the Hero by 1 when carried. Destroy the crate for a Potion of Healing: Heals 250 hit points when used.
- Furbolg Champion level 7. Furbolg Tracker level 6. Furbolg level 4. Two Huntresses join your team.
- Furbolg level 4 (2).
- Furbolg level 4 (2).
- Furbolg Elder Shaman level 7. Furbolg Tracker level 6. Furbolg level 4. Crate drops Potion of Mana: Restores 150 mana when used.
- Furbolg Champion level 7. Furbolg Tracker level 6. Furbolg level 4.
- Furbolg Warlord level 9 (Optional Quest target). Furbolg Elder Shaman level 7 (2) — drops Claws of Attack: Increases the attack damage of the Hero by 6.
- Dark Troll level 2 (2). Dark Troll Berserker level 4. Fountain of Health.
- Dark Troll Warlord level 6. Dark Troll High Priest level 4. Dark Troll level 2 — drops Ring of Protection: Increases the armor of the Hero by 2. Destroy the crates — drop Tome of Strength: Permanently increases Strength by 1.
- Gate.
- Human Expedition base. Random Paladin Hero level 4. Footman (4). Rifleman. Priest. Sorceress. Peasant 5. Gold Mine:
- Gate.
- Ghost (4) — cast possess. Minions burrowed in the area: Corrupted Treant (2) have poison attacks, and Skeleton Archers (10). Giant Skeleton Warrior level 3 (2).
- Giant Wolf level 4 (3).
- Ancient Storm Wyrm level 10. Lightning Lizard level 2 (2) — drops Sobi Mask: Increases the Hero’s rate of mana regeneration by 50% when worn.
- Giant Skeleton Warrior. Skeleton Archers (3).
- Ghost level 3 (3).
- Dire Wolf level 6. Giant Wolf level 4 (2). Ghost level 3 (2). Wraith level 6 (3). Death Revenant level 8 (Optional Quest target).
- Plague Treant level 5, Poison Treant level 3, and Corrupted Treant level 1. Gold Mine.
- Poison Treant level 3. Corrupted Treant level 1 (3). Corrupted Ancient Protector (2). Satyr Shadowdancer level 3.
- Satyr Hellcaller level 9. Satyr Soulstealer level 5 (2). Satyr Shadowdancer level 3 (2). Satyr level 1 (5). Satyr Trickster level 1 (2). Corrupted Ancient Protector (2). Corrupted Ancient of War (2). Corrupted Tree of Eternity. Corrupted Moon Well (2).
- Barrow Dens.
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