Captain’s Foot Locker: (This is the kind of intelligence that should be shared. Perhaps someone at the Sunreaver’s Sanctuary on Dalaran will know what to do with it.)
Quest Objectives
Take the Captain’s Log to Advisor Stillwater at the Sunreaver’s Sanctuary on Dalaran.
The Captain’s Log says:
(The Advisor looks down at what you’re offering her and then looks around nervously, straining to give you a rictus grin. She continues in hushed tones.)
Advisor Stillwater: Do you know what you have here? You have kept the Alliance from getting their grubby little hands on some rather delicate information. I will see to it personally that this is safely filled away.
(The officer looks down at what you’re offering him and his eyes light up.)
Lieutenant Surtees: Do you know what you have here? You might have just delivered some of the most significant intel of the campaign. I will see to it personally that this gets into Lord Greymane’s hands. As I said, I will see to it that Lord Greymane gets this information. There is no need for you to mention this to anyone else, (class).
Fate of the Queen’s Reprisal
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