Cullen’s Scouting Report: Alliance personnel from the Skyfire we spotted parachuting into Blackbeak Overlook. I was unable to confirm numbers or positions during my flyover, but I did see parachutes tangled in treetops and a LOT of ravenbears on the ground. If anyone is up there, they must be laying low and keeping an eye on us. I have posted a rider at the top of the overlook to keep watch while I press forward into Stormheim.
– Liza Cullen, Dread-Rider – 1st Wing.
Quest Objectives
Recover the SI:7 Intel from Spymaster Knockwhistle in Blackbeak Overlook.
NOTE: Spymaster Knockwhistle’s corpse is clickable. Do that to complete the mission. However, a bonus objective pops up.
Blackbeak Overlook 0 / 100%
In this bonus objective the progress bar increases when you kill Vicious Ravenbear (owlbeasts), SI:7 Spybot (stealthed), or destroy Ravenbear eggs. Don’t bother trying to kill Spymaster Illandris. Died once or twice to her. She gives no percent credit.
This is the percent given by each:
- SI:7 Spybot: 10% each
- Vicious Ravenbear: 2% each
- Ravenbear egg: 5% each
NOTE: No NPC to turn in. Just click the Eyes in the Overlook (Quest Complete) in the Quests tab beneath the mini-map to turn in.
(SI:7 Intel: The gnome spy was guarding a detailed report of the Forsaken Forces.)
(Thumbing through the intel, you discover that Knockwhistle wasn’t the only SI:7 spy in the area.)
Eyes in the Overlook
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