Havi: With Ashildir’s judgement, your final trial is complete. But even Valhallas can wait, for now we must eat! Being dead works up quite an appetite. Come now, bring some of that fish to roast over the fire. It is far too heavy for me to carry.
Quest Objectives
Take the fish from Havi’s Fish Barrel and skewer it on the spear above the fire.
NOTE: Click the fish barrel — located near Havi’s mount.
NOTE: Walk to the bonefire and click the spear to skewer the fish in.
Havi: The trials are won, but your foe remains. His tainted flock bars the halls of the righteous. To sever his head, you must cripple the body. But first… Stormheim’s savior has someone very important to save.
Carry Havi’s fish to the fire: 1/1
Havi: It is clear that your cooking prowess is only matched by your might in combat. Now, on bull bellies, we ride to Valhallas!
A Heavy Burden
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