Havi: The Trial of Valor will be your next test, and test you it will! But only a fool fights on an empty stomach. Are you a fool, outsider? No? Then lend these old bones a hand and butcher the moose for our meal. I will spin you a tale of rocks, trees and spirits.
Quest Objectives
Help Havi butcher the moose and learn about your next trial.
Havi: In Haustvald, the Bonespeakers keep the dead. They will not help you. Their ways are twisted. They have forgoten the old vows. But there is one who remembers. One who is rooted in the old ways. Seek Vydhar! Earn your judgment, and pass the Trial of Valor.
Havi: A fine cut, I must say. Yes, you will do well against the Bonespeakers, I think.
Speaking of Bones
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