Vethir: Your aid to the Thorignir will not go unrewarded, outsider. if you truly wish the blessing of our brood, then help us to rid this scourge from our home.
Vethir: When the Drekirjar assaulted the nest, the Thorignir fought bravely to save our brood. But their demonic allies proved too much, and many of us were captured. Even now they work to corrupt my brothers and sisters to turn them to their side. Please, outsider, free them from this fate!
Quest Objectives
Free Aleifir, Hrafsir, Erilar and Hridmogir in Thorim’s Peak.
Rewards: Shoulder or Bracer (iLevel 705 at level 101).
Erilar: These foul demons will pay for their treachery!
Hridmogir: I was… nearly broken… You have my thanks.
Drekirjar Trapper: The dragons belong to the Skovald, worm!
Drekirjar Trapper: Beg for your life!
Drekirjar Felblade: Kneel to the god-king!
Hrafsir: I know not why you came, but you have my gratitude.
Aleifir: Thank you, outsider. I will make my way to the summit.
Vethir: I am truly indebted to you for this act. My siblings were not able to defend themselves against the Drekirjar, and would have ended up their slaves. You are a true friend of the Thorignir.
Wings of Liberty
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